School News

Senior Camp Week
Our Year Five and Six children enjoyed their time earlier this week at Lady Northcote Camp in Glenmore. Children spent two nights and three days participating in a variety of exciting and fun activities, including: catching yabbies, archery, flying fox, canoeing, giant swing and team initiatives and a variety of challenging risky, but safe outdoor challenges. The weather God's shone down upon us all and the night walk was spectacular! Thanks to Miss Privitelli, Miss Biggs, Mr O'Shea and Mr Weekes for taking time out of their lives to look after our Year 5 & 6 children so well, during their time away on Camp. Our Year Five and Six children also enjoyed the last two days to round out their Camp week, participating in a range of fun sporting activities, at various indoor venues across Melbourne (Rush HQ and Gravity Zone). Both children and teachers will sleep well tonight.
Basketball Clinics
Over the past two weeks, the children participated in a Basketball Clinic in their Physical Education lesson, run by the Camberwell Dragons. They practised skills such dribbling, shooting, passing, jumping and foot movement.
District Cross Country
Last Friday, 31 of our Year 3 - 6 students represented our school, participating in the District Cross Country at Macleay Park. Congratulations to all the students for your persistence and perseverance as you completed the very long Cross Country course, winning the 'Small Schools Shield' back (4 victories from the last 5 District Cross Country Tournaments). Thank you to Mr O’Shea, Miss Biggs and Mrs Richardson for supervising the students on the day and well done to all our students who competed:
Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
Evan N | Jacob M | Emily L | Joel M |
Billy O | James E | Eli D | Tom B |
Felix T | Leo D | Lucy J | Nadia P |
Ethan L | Charlie G | Lucie D | Alaia L |
Will D | Emily L | Felix N | James L |
Xabi D | Alexia S | Freddie G | |
Kiera P | Evelin R | Will W | |
Lewis W | Will T | ||
Helena G | Bill C | ||
Lucas J |
Year 3/4 AFL Gala Day
All Year 3/4 students have been invited to participate in an AFL Gala Day on Thursday 23 May. The teams will compete against other schools in the North Balwyn District. This experience is a great way to introduce the modified AFL game to new children and a chance for those already in footy teams to compete against other children in our district.
Annual Food Drive
Please note that our annual Food Drive will take place in Weeks 7 & 8 (May 27 - June 7). All grocery donations will be gratefully received by the Brigidine Asylum Resource Project. Please see the flyer attached.
Food and household items needed include:
Eggs, Sugar, Flour, Cooking Oil, Tinned Fruit, Cans Of Tomatoes/Tuna/ Corn/Peas; Long Life Milk, Tea, Coffee, Cheese Biscuits, Noodles, Honey, Dates, Salt & Pepper, Spices; Shampoo, Conditioner, Shaving Cream, Toothpaste; Washing Powder, Dishwashing Liquid, Gladwrap, Tinfoil, Pegs; Disposable Nappies And Wipes
Donations can be brought to school by students, and given to their classroom teachers from Monday 27 May. We will present the donations as part of the Poor Man's Mass on Friday 7 June which is the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
Save the date! Please come along and celebrate our School's Feast Day at the 9.15am mass! Everyone is welcome!
Year 5 Petit Kinder Visit
On Tuesday 21 May, our Year 5 students will visit Petit Early Learning Journey to commence the Buddy Program with their 4 year old buddies.
School Counsellor
Elise, our school counsellor, is available on Tuesdays in 2024. Parents are welcome to reach out to discuss if counselling is the right fit for them and their child. Please contact the School Office
Term 2 School Assemblies
All parents are welcome to attend our Assemblies which take place in the MPR on Fridays at 2.30pm (see below dates). From Term 2, classes will be timetabled to present an item to the school community.
Term 2 Assemblies:
Week 6 - Friday 24 May (Year 5/6 Spotlight on Learning)
Week 7 - Friday 31 May (Year 4 Spotlight on Learning)
Week 8 - Friday 7 June (No Spotlight on Learning)
Week 9 - Friday 14 June (No Spotlight on Learning)
Week 10 - Friday 21 June (Wellbeing Groups-No Assembly)
Week 11 - Friday 28 June (End of Term 2 12:45pm-No Assembly)
2024 Term Dates
Term 1
Thurs 1 February (Students begin) – Thurs 28 March (12:45pm finish)
Term 2
Mon 15 April – Fri 28 June (12:45pm finish)
Term 3
Mon 15 July – Fri 20 September (12:45pm finish)
Term 4
Mon 7 October - Tue 17 December (12:45pm finish)
2024 School Closure Days
The following days and dates will be School Closure Days in 2024:
Term 2
Thursday 25 April (ANZAC Day)
Friday 26 April (Time in lieu day for staff) *
Monday 10 June (King’s Birthday Public Holiday)
Term 3
Term 4
Monday 4 November (Time in lieu day for staff) *
Tuesday 5 November (Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday)
Friday 6 December (Staff Planning for 2025 School Closure Day)
Children finish on Tuesday 17 December at 12.45pm
Wednesday 18 December (Time in lieu day for staff) *
As was communicated to families towards the end of last year...
* Time in Lieu (TIL)
The new Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2022 (the Agreement) introduces a formal time in lieu (TIL) process for teachers. The Agreement provides that a principal may require a teacher to undertake work and attend a school activity outside the normal hours of attendance (i.e., in excess of the 38 hours or normal hours for a part-time teacher) and when this occurs, it will attract TIL.
Principals should prepare for the accrual and acquittal of TIL through their annual planning process. The timing of the acquittal of TIL is at the discretion of the principal, having regard to the operational needs of the school and causing the least disruption to the educational program of the school.
Principals may elect to acquit TIL through designating days during the year on which all staff and students are not required to attend school. For 2024, there are opportunities to acquit TIL for the whole school on the following days:
Friday April 26 (day after ANZAC Day);
Monday November 4 (day before Cup Day);
early finishes on the last days of Terms 1, 2 and 3;
end of Term 4 from Wednesday 18 December.
Please note that no primary school students should be dismissed from schools prior to Tuesday 17 December 2024 – this is their earliest finish date