Level 5 & 6 Wonga Weekly

Week 3, Term 2


This term, we are thrilled to be investigating the Big Idea of ‘Country’ during Challenge Based Learning. To help facilitate our teaching, we have planned a series of rotation activities of outdoor learning at Clifford Park. We will be immersing the students in a range of activities such as cooking, art, language, orienteering, nature studies and dance. These lessons will be conducted over a period of two days, with a third day being a ‘celebration’ day incorporating ‘Challenge Valley’ and various team building activities to conclude our learning.



Important details are below:

When: Monday 29th April (Week 3), Monday 13th May (Week 5) and Monday 24th June (Week 11)Where: Clifford Park, Car Park - 5-7 Clifford Drive, Wonga ParkDrop off: Between 8:50am-9:10am

Pick up: From 3:10pm – 3:30pm Cost: $22


*Due to limited parking, we will have a drive through system for ‘drop off’ and ‘pick up’. Please follow staff directions and signage on the day.


What to bring:

-playlunch and lunch (nude food if possible)

-full water bottle


-clothing appropriate for the outdoors and the weather (closed toe shoes, covered shoulders, school uniform not required)


If your child will be in before and/or after school care, please notify your child’s classroom teacher. Permission for this day is to be given via Sentral.



In Literacy this week, we will be exploring Country through timewith the mentor texts, My Place and You and Me Murrawee. Students will compare and contrast character perspectives, place and belonging throughout Australian history. Drawing from their experiences at Clifford Park, students will be writing historical narratives that reflect the style of the mentor texts.


What you can do at home

Help your child to set aside time to read - preferably every night. This will help them build important learning habits. Your child now has access to Reading Eggspress, to help with adding variety to their range of text choices.



In Numeracy this week, we will be continuing to consolidate our understanding of multiplicative thinking and the inverse relationship between multiplication and division.


What you can do at home

Students have access to set multiplication and division questions on Mathletics. Please encourage them to achieve a minimum of 1000 points each week.



- Mathletics - 1000 points minimum of the set tasks

- Reading 20 minutes per night, 4 times a week

- Reading Eggspress

- Recording events in their student diaries



🌱 Wednesday 8th May - School Photos[

🌱 Friday 10th May - Mother's Day Morning  

🌱 Monday 13th May - Clifford Park