Prep Wonga Weekly

Week 3, Term 2


🗓️ Upcoming Dates: 

Monday 6th May: iPads can come to school

Wednesday 8th May: School Photo Day! 

Friday 10th May: Mother's Day Morning Tea

Thursday 23rd May: Teddy Bear Picnic (an email will be send home about this on Friday).


Before/After School 

Thank you to those parents waiting at the top playground, school gate or oak tree. It is beginning to clear the way for our Preps (and Grade 1 and 2s) to exit their classrooms easily. Please continue to make a plan with your child on where to meet them. 


Hats 🧢 

Please note - hats will be coming home on the 1st of May. It would be a good idea to wash them and check your child's hat is still clearly labelled. Hats will not be required to be worn again until 1st September. 


📰 News Groups: Thursday - What lives on Country in my garden?


As children will not be bringing their iPads this week, News Groups will need to be a drawing, artefact, painting or collection. Help your child prepare by talking about how they are going to share this with their group. 


Please see the roster below for the Term's topics:



Our mentor text for literacy this week is: Blossom Possum 

📚 Reading 

We are looking at 'predicting' (a clever guess about what comes next or what the story is about), before and during reading the story. We are looking at front covers of stories and making predictions based on the title and picture clues. 


Our decoding strategy for this week will be to continuous blending of the word (make the sounds stick together to help with remembering the sounds). 


What can you do at home?

-Help your child to read their 'take home' book each night.

-Read to your child at bedtime. Ask them what do you predict happens next? Why do you think that

-Make words with your sound cards and practise continuous blending 



We will be focusing on sentence structure (capital letter, full stop in the right place and an idea). We will also be having a go at 'free writing' about the character Blossom Possum. Our handwriting focus this week is the letter 'g'. 


What can you do at home?

-Practise writing 'g' with a tail under the line

-Engage in fine motor tasks such as sorting, threading, writing, colouring, making, building, play dough and painting 



Our phonics focus this week is learning about the letter 'o' and 'l' at the beginning of words. 


What can you do at home?

-Ask: show me the cued articulation for 'o' and 'l' 

-Find words with 'o' and 'l' in their take home books (or any others) 

-Log onto reading eggs and try 'fast phonics' to practise letters and sounds 


🔢  Maths 

We are learning about counting backwards. We are discovering that when we count backwards the number becomes smaller in value. 


What can you do at home? 

-Continue to count collections with 1-1 counting

-Count  backwards from different starting points, other than zero

-Take away an amount from the larger number and re-count the total (what do you have left?) 


🌏 CBL - Country

We are continuing to be immersed and exploring Country around us. We are beginning to discuss how we can care for Country.  


Cyber Safety 

We will be discussing expectations of using iPads as a tool for learning at school. We will be watching Timone and Pumbaa (characters) explain in a funny, 'child friendly' way how to be safe online. At school we will come up with some class agreements to then begin our iPad license in Week 4. Please do not send your child's iPad this week! 


What you could do at home - 

-Discuss iPad safety and being safe at school with our iPads