Learning Diversity 

Vira Pirrotta

In Term One, teachers and leaders worked together through an ongoing learning and teaching cycle to support and identify students with diverse learning needs who may require adjustment or support to engage actively and successfully in the curriculum. 


Through various assessment data collected in Term One, teachers, leaders, and the Speech Pathologist have identified students who may benefit from extra support. This term, teachers will set goals and implement a teaching program to support these students.


This term, parents will be asked to attend a PSG meeting earlier in Term 2 to discuss student needs and the support that will be implemented for the year.


A Program Support Group (PSG) is a partnership between the student, parent/guardian/carer(s), school representatives and, where relevant, invited professionals who work together to ensure coordinated support for the student’s needs. A PSG aims to ensure that those with the most knowledge of and responsibility for the student work together to establish shared goals for the student’s program. 


The Program Support Group brings together key stakeholders who have relevant knowledge of and responsibility for the student. The PSG meeting will collaboratively establish shared SMART goals for the student’s health, social, emotional and educational development. 


The Program Support Group is an opportunity to collaborate with the school on goal setting, planning, monitoring, and discussing student progress. 


 Program Support Group work together to:

  • Identify and articulate the student’s academic, social, emotional, behavioural, cultural, health and well-being strengths and needs
  • Utilise the collected data to determine and prioritise areas for growth and progress
  • Review and evaluate growth and progress toward previously agreed-upon goals and determine further goals and actions that may be required. 
  • Seek independent specialist advice to clarify your child’s needs and make appropriate adjustments. 
  • Discuss adjustments implemented to support student learning.
  • Work together to develop plans, adjustments and interventions for your child’s education program.
  • Identify your child’s needs and discuss the data and information (e.g. from school assessments or reports from health professionals) to plan adjustments, interventions, or supports and strategies. 
  • Develop and review educational and other plans for your child, including personalised learning plans, student adjustment and evaluation plans, behaviour support plans, safety plans, medical management plans, health plans, and cultural plans.

We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s progress.