From the Principal 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari

Dear families


It is wonderful to be back at school and I thank everyone for my heartfelt welcome back. I had the most amazing trip and family time and have many to thank for this. I knew the school would be in very capable hands with Mr Speranza and along with the support of Erica and the Leadership Team; Angela Mason, Catherine Le Hunt and Daniela Borgese and all the staff and l would like to acknowledge all that has been done over the holidays and the last four weeks.  I loved walking around on the weekend and discovering the mural, our mascots, the children’s art work across the school, a little bit of Italy in the Italian room and much more. It was terrific seeing our picture in the Herald Sun, Mother’s Day and Special Friend’s badges and the ongoing work in the garden beds. I did have a special surprise from the whole school in my office and a few happy tears were shed. 


Of course my highlight is always our beautiful students and to see them all on Monday morning was magic. Their smiles, welcome greetings and sharing of their highlights from Cross Country to Auskick to crochet projects is why I am so fortunate and blessed to work in partnership with our community and why I love my job! Each student has grown taller and wiser in my absence. The Year 2's shared their narrative writing with me as did our Year 1 students. It is always a delight to have students visit my office and celebrate their achievements. I was blown away with the hive of activity in the Zen Zone and thank Mr Speranza, our student Wellbeing Leaders Hikaru and Hamza, and our Cake Stall fundraising for the equipment and the organisation of the area. I can’t wait to play Connect Four! 


Last night myself, Mrs Borgese and our student Community Leaders attended a parent evening at Renown Kindergarten to show and explain what we offer at our school, alongside some other schools in the area. It is always a privilege to be invited to this evening and a wonderful opportunity to meet preschool parents, answer questions and share our amazing school.  Ava, Ava, Iggy and Poppy are to be congratulated for the manner in which they conducted themselves, conversed with the parents and shared their insights about their St Mary’s Primary School journey. Mrs Borgese and I felt immensely proud. 


I look forward to seeing many of you at our National Walk to School Day tomorrow morning and at the working bee tomorrow afternoon. We are so close to planting and by doing the labour ourselves we will be able to stretch our funds and buy some planter boxes for the area. If Friday afternoon doesn’t suit you, you  are welcome to come up to school whenever free and Mr Speranza will give you a task for an hour or a few hours. Several people have done this and we are most grateful. 


Please note that this Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, a significant day in the liturgical calendar.  Pentecost Sunday, fifty days after Easter Sunday, celebrates the Holy Spirit descending on the apostles and is the beginning of our Church. 


In the next fortnight we have much to look forward to including the National Simultaneous Story Time on Wednesday 22nd May and in Physical Education our middle and senior students are participating in an AFL footy clinic. 


Wishing you all a relaxing weekend as we gear up for another action packed week.......


Take care and wishing God's blessings and peace upon each of you. 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari