The Arts and Design

This term has brought engaging and creative opportunities where students across Years 6 – 9 have built their artistic skills and knowledge. Our students have engaged in Units of Inquiry where they designed and created sustainable products, adhering to concepts such as force and motion. Students have produced self-portraits, exploring with the craft of photography to represent their ideas. Through Performing Arts, students have developed the confidence and self-expression to communicate innovative thought. The Arts and Design in the MYP has enabled students develop curiosity, be flexible and become entrepreneurial. Congratulations to all our Middle School students on becoming risk-takers and open-minded in their own learning this term. 


Rebecca Bettiol​​​​

MYP Learning Leader (Art & Design),Round Square Facilitator

Junior School 

Visual Arts








Our Junior School art room is in action 

Little Preps are learning about the fundamentals of ‘Colours’. They learned about the colour wheel, and about primary and secondary colours. They first created colour wheel in a template, but then worked on a collaborative art activity where they created a big colour wheel together, with resources from the art room. Our kinaesthetic learners enjoyed this, as they participated in an activity which was hands-on.


They completed colourful ‘masks’ exploring, ‘texture’ after studying masks from various cultures for inspiration. Preps refined their fine-motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and attention to detail, as well as gaining a sense of pride and accomplishment. 


Our Year 1 students are applying their knowledge of warm and cool ‘Colours’ with the inspiration of Russian artist, Kandinsky with a holistic learning approach. They conversed about their own knowledge about the country he originated from, and explored the globe to see where his country was located and how far it was from their own home, Australia!

Students in Year 2 are working on pumpkin drawings to understand art element of form. ‘Blending’ technique is being introduced in the medium of oil pastels. By fusing two colours, students learned to create a new one. They are also very excited to try their hands on modelling clay, in the following lessons.


The Year 3 students are self–mounting their Tatipai Barsa inspired 2D artworks, a contemporary Torres Strait Islander artist. They are in the process of completing details and embellishments on their miniature ‘clay turtles’. They are very excited to put the last layer of gloss on it and see the results. They have also commenced still life drawings in oil pastels on Kiwi fruits. 


Students in year 4 are excited to start their canvas artworks. They will be introduced to Judy Watson, an aboriginal Australian artist for inspiration and techniques. Exploring aboriginal art helps challenge and break down stereotypes, promoting a more inclusive and accepting environment.


The year 5 students are being introduced to a living legend, a Japanese origin artist known as the ‘queen of polka dots’, Yayoi Kusama. Throughout her life, she has had to prove her worth to others. Kusama's difficult experience is a reminder to persevere and believe in yourself. Her biography and artworks will surely inspire all our learners.



Vibha Tripathi

Junior School Art Teacher

Performing Arts

Year 5 Performing Arts – The Wind in the Willows

In Year 5 Performing Arts, the students are continuing to build on their interpretative skills to perform scripted drama. This is in preparation for the performance of, The Wind in the Willows taking place in June. Students are developing characters and learning to express their voices with confidence. The rehearsal process in Term 1 been an engaging and exciting experience for our students. Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming musical!


Senior School Arts and Design 









As we step into the heart of the academic year, the energy and enthusiasm within our school community are palpable. With May just around the corner, our students are gearing up for some incredible opportunities to showcase their talents and hard work on various platforms. Here’s a glimpse into what’s happening across some of our key departments:


Year 10 Drama: Spotlight on their Drama Presentation Evening

Our Year 10 Drama students have been diligently honing their skills and creativity in preparation for their upcoming presentation evening scheduled for May. With a blend of excitement and nerves, they are putting their hearts and souls into their performances, ready to captivate the audience with their interpretations and storytelling prowess. This event promises to be a celebration of talent, dedication, and the transformative power of the dramatic arts. Invitations and further information will follow in the next weeks.


Media, Art, and Visual Communication Design: VCE Top Screen and Top Arts

Our budding media, art, and visual communication designers were in for a treat as they embarked on enriching excursions to experience VCE Top Screen, Top Arts, and VCE Top Designs. These events offer our students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of creativity, innovation, and contemporary artistry. From exploring the top VCE Media productions to witnessing awe-inspiring excelling VCE artworks, our students are set to gain invaluable insights and inspiration that will fuel their own creative journeys. We eagerly anticipate the reflections and inspirations our students will bring back from these enriching experiences, ready to infuse fresh perspectives into their own projects and endeavours.


As we prepare to witness the culmination of our students’ hard work and talent in these upcoming events, let us continue to support and encourage them on their educational and artistic journeys. The dedication and passion they demonstrate serve as a testament to the vibrant spirit of our Oakleigh Grammar community.


Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on these exciting ventures together.

Warm regards,


Nick Karakottas

Senior School Arts & Design Academic Leader


The Year 10 Visual Communication Design students are practicing their manual drawing skills in two-point perspective of a city scape. This is a practical work requirement before their outcome where they will be designing and drawing their own toy and toy store front. Here are some students progress drawings below: 




The Year 9 Visual Communication Design students are practicing drawing a one-point perspective of a bedroom interior design for their summative assessment task. They have researched and generated their own ideas and now are practicing these key skills in perspective drawing to create their own bedroom interior design. Here are some students progress drawings below: 



The Year 8 Visual Communication Design students are practicing drawing a one-point perspective of a café interior design for their summative assessment task. They will begin researching ideas for their own designs and developing ideas and a logo for their café this term. Here are some students progress drawings below: 



The Year 7 Visual Communication Design students are practicing drawing in 2D, 3D and perspective drawings of a beach hut for their summative assessment task. They have researched and generated their own ideas for their beach hut and an isometric sunscreen bottle with a logo. Here are some students progress drawings below: