Deputy Principal's Report









School life is always busy, and as we continue to strive for greatness upon our return, I encourage us all to familiarise ourselves with student uniform expectations (including Sport). Staff do not enjoy following up such breaches, so your support at home in ensuring your child is ready to approach the day with their best dressed forward is greatly appreciated.


A new term offers a good opportunity to remind ourselves of protocol regarding school communication lines. Your school diary serves as the perfect communication channel to share key information that your child's teacher may need to know on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, parents are encouraged to take time to revisit the school diary for key operational information, which will assist all parties. Email correspondence with homeroom or specialist staff, specific to learning and social interactions, is best received this way. Please allow a 24-hour response time, as staff may not always be able to check emails within school hours.


A reminder that the homeroom or specialist teacher, in most cases, is the best person to meet and speak with for any concern in the first instance. It is important that, where able, processes are followed to allow all parties an opportunity to have a fair and considered conversation prior to escalating through management.


This addition emphasises the importance of resolving concerns through direct communication with the teacher first, before escalating the matter to higher management, fostering a fair and constructive dialogue between all parties involved.


We have much to look forward to in this coming term.  The arrival of our Junior School performance – striving for greatness brings great things!


Shelley Parkes 

Deputy Principal - Professional Culture and Junior School