Message from the Principal

by Ms Kellie Ind

As the weather gets colder… 

Although we are still getting sunny days, the school community is feeling the chilly weather more. We encourage students to dress in appropriate uniform for the weather and to make sure that they don’t attend school if they have illness that is contagious – we still see COVID, flu and other viruses impacting on staff and students. 


 In the next couple of weeks, I will be taking long service leave (postponed since 2020) to travel to Europe and so Shareen Bottrell will be stepping in as Acting Principal until the beginning of Term 3. Nic Barca and Nathaniel Smith will be sharing an Acting Assistant Principal role to help support the management of the school. 


There have been so many events run since the start of Term 2:  

  • Assemblies for each year level celebrating student achievement and promoting year level themes 
  • Parent-teacher-student conferences 
  • School Tours and School Open Night (over 400 families attended) 
  • PAT Assessments in reading and math for Year 7-9 students 
  • Year 8 RAISE Foundation Student Mentoring Program has begun (semester program) 
  • School Production of Urinetown 
  • Year 9 Morrisby Profiling 
  • Year 9 REACH wellbeing workshops 
  • Staff Professional Learning workshop on Respectful Relationships 
  • Athletics Carnival (Chang won!) 
  • Introducing our new wellbeing therapy dog Ellie! 
  • Introduction of I CAN Mentoring Program for neurodiverse students (8-week program) 
  • Brand new Year 9 Citizenship Project and City Experience Camp  
  • Music Camp 
  • Staff professional learning day – improving literacy (whole-school writing improvement strategies) and numeracy outcomes 
  • Tomorrow Man and Tomorrow Woman Year 10 and Year 11 workshops 
  • Year 11 Study Skill seminar (Elevate) 
  • Year 11 Skill Booster lunchtime sessions  
  • Year 12 Formal 
  • Year 7 Peer Support 
  • Computational and Algorithmic thinking competition 
  • Year 11 Business Management Lunchtime market day 
  • Student leadership development  - public speaking workshops 
  • GAPP and High Ability Student English “Masterclasses” 
  • Year 7 History  “Night at the Museum” presentation (see pictures) 
  • Year 12 Drama performance night 
  • Multiple curriculum excursions (German, Chinese, VCD)
  • Interschool sport (football, soccer, badminton, netball)
  • Australian Geography Competition. 

Enjoy some photos from the Year 7 History "Night at the Museum":

Open Night and our Enrolment Management Plan 

We were so pleased to see many local families come along to visit the school and hear about our vision, our curriculum programs and support services on Monday 22 April – we had blue skies and happy faces! 


I would like to acknowledge all our wonderful student leaders who made the day such a success. They demonstrated initiative, great communication skills and positive attitudes – we are so proud of them! Thank-you to Sabrina L, our school captain, for sharing her positive experiences of being a Box Hill High School student over the last 5 years, and also to our wonderful Year 7 Class Captains Ryan B and Vaahin N who spoke so well in front of a full hall of families. 


We have also run numerous tours over the last eight weeks to showcase the school and provide families with the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about what we do. 

Enrolment Management Implementation Plan for 2025 

Due to current enrolment demand and capacity pressures, Box Hill High School is required to actively ensure that only students who meet the approved entry criteria are placed into Year 7: 

  • Students who live within the school zone (guaranteed entry)  
  • Students with a sibling attending the school at the same time (priority 1 of the priority order of placement). 

Meet our lovely wellbeing support dog, Ellie: