Local community

Calling all Parents and Caregivers for the Shaping Whitehorse Community Panel
The City of Whitehorse are looking for 50 everyday people to work together and help shape Council’s plans for the next four years. If you are over 18 years old and live or run a business in Whitehorse, then you’re perfect for the Shaping Whitehorse Community Panel.
The Panel will meet four times in August (for a total of 14.5 hours), supported by professional, independent facilitators and will involve group discussions, considering diverse viewpoints, identifying themes and priorities and preparing recommendations for Council to consider when developing its plans.
Plus, each participant will receive a $150 payment for their valuable contribution!
To nominate complete and submit the nomination form found here by Sunday 26 May, 2024: https://yoursay.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/shaping-whitehorse
Local sporting opportunities in the community
It's time to return to the court and reignite your love for tennis with Slamin Tennis & Fitness. Dive back into the game, book your FREE trial, and experience the joy of playing with friends, building skills, and making memories.
Plus, join for Term 2 and receive a FREE RACQUET AND START-UP PACK!
There are also available Free Trial for Younger and Adult stages.
To book, visit www.slamin.com.au and click "CLAIM YOUR FREE TRIAL NOW".
Venue: Doncaster Tennis Club, 802 Doncaster Rd, Doncaster (Rear of Audi Car Dealership).
English Tutoring