News from School Council

During February this year, the BHHS School Council for 2024 was elected, with members welcomed at the March Council meeting. The School looks forward to a productive working relationship with all councillors, and would like to acknowledge and thank outgoing members from last year - Andrew Cameron and Chloe Martinich.


The 2024 School Council comprises:


Executive Officer

Kellie Ind - Principal


Parent Members:

Kaajal Fox - President / Chair

Muhammad Ali - Vice President

Tony Bui - Finance Rep

Ashley Schwarz

Rodney Mudford

Pooja Kumar


Community Members:

Shweta Pradhan

Elizabeth Tischler    


DE Members:

Shareen Bottrell (Assistant Principal)

Nathaniel Smith (Learning Leader - Data & Digital)

Nathalie Brewer (BHHS Teacher)

Thomas Williams (BHHS Teacher)

 Mel Nicholson (Business Manager - Ex Officio)


Student Members:  

Taj O'Donnell

Lihan Guo


Annual Implementation Plan

In March, the draft Annual Implementation Plan for 2024 was presented and accepted by School Council. Goals include strengthening literacy and numeracy outcomes for students, empowering students to have greater agency in their learning, as well as increasing a sense of connectedness and engagement among students.  A digital copy is available at our website: 


Annual Report

The draft Annual Report was  also tabled and discussed at the March meeting. An event to present the Report to the wider community will be held during Term 3. Once finalised, the Annual Report can be found on our website here: