Learning and Curriculum Primary - Stage 3

Stage 3 English  

 Year 5 English 


The Term 2 English unit “The Power of Persuasion” focuses on developing students' persuasive writing and speaking skills with the focus question - ‘In what manner does authority and perspective influence others?’ Throughout the unit, students will explore the techniques and strategies used in persuasive texts, such as emotive language, rhetorical questions, and persuasive devices. They will learn how to identify persuasive language features in texts and how to use them effectively in their own writing and speaking. Through a range of activities, including group discussions, and writing tasks, students will develop their ability to effectively persuade and influence others. 


Class Spotlight – 5 Black 


Participating in the Sound Waves program is great as we are exploring words by segmenting and sounding them out - Aiden A 


It has been fun exploring persuasive writing through looking at persuasive devices such as using high modality words – Alexander M 


I am really enjoying literacy groups as we are reading Percy Jackson: The Lightening Thief. It is a really engaging story and I am really enjoying the Greek Mythology aspect of the book – Alexander E 

 Year 6 English 


The Term 2 English unit ‘Free Speech?!’ focuses on the art of influencing and positioning responders through textual content with the focus question - ‘How is content conveyed or communicated in texts to influence and position responders? Through a variety of interactive activities, discussions, and analysis of persuasive texts, students will explore how authors strategically convey and communicate content to sway opinions and position their intended audience. The unit will focus on analysing persuasive techniques such as emotive language, rhetorical devices, logical reasoning, and appeals to credibility and authority.


 Class Spotlight – 6 Black 


We have started trying to develop our own speech about power by using persuasive language. The topic that I’m focusing on its centred around the use of solar power – Anthony M 


Participating in Soundwaves program has been great as we have been exploring sounds and how many graphemes are in words – Adrian C 


Our class is reading Once by Morris Gleitzman. We are completing questions to help us analyse aspects of the Story to help us understand it better – Paul M  

Daniel Fields                                                               Sarah Tatola

Head of Curriculum (Stage 3)                             Head of Teaching and Learning (Stage 3)