Parents and Friends

Celebrating Mothers: A Heartfelt Thanks and Joyous Memories

As we bask in the warmth of another memorable Mother's Day, it's with immense gratitude and joy that we extend our sincerest appreciation to Ms. Gillian Daley and Ms. Ingrid Viney for orchestrating an exceptional Mother's Day Mass last Friday. The atmosphere was truly special, as the room brimmed with the love of mothers, carers, grandmothers, and their sons, coming together in a spirit of reverence and celebration.


The Mother's Day mass was not only a religious observance but a poignant reminder of the invaluable role mothers play in our lives. Ms. Daley and Ms. Viney's dedication in organising such a meaningful event didn't go unnoticed, and we are deeply thankful for their efforts in making it a memorable occasion for all.


Following the touching mass, we were treated to a delightful morning tea, where conversations flowed as freely as the love in the room. It was a perfect continuation of the morning's festivities, thanks to the thoughtful planning and execution by our dedicated organisers.


We also want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the parents and carers who generously volunteered their time and effort in wrapping the roses this year. Your contributions helped make the event even more special, and we are truly grateful for your support.


A special mention goes out to Alison Auland, Belinda Barakat, Madhavi Gupta, Gina Balsamo, Gabriela Costa, Rebecca Hay, John Angelakis, Monica Darlow, and Margaret McDonald, whose involvement enriched the experience for everyone involved.


In another touching gesture, the Year 12 mothers embarked on their final Mother's Day lunch with fellow mums in their sons' cohort. Angela Shehadie, Claudia Elias, Rebecca Bissett, Mary Kristovic, Claudia Boustani and Vanessa Boys did a remarkable job in organising this splendid event, held at Angelos on the Bay. It was a fitting tribute to the journey shared by these mothers and their sons, filled with laughter, reminiscences, and heartfelt moments.

As we reflect on these beautiful moments, let's cherish the bonds of family and the love that unites us. Our school community is blessed to have such dedicated individuals who go above and beyond to make occasions like Mother's Day truly special. Here's to the power of love, family, and the enduring spirit of community that enriches our lives each day.

An invitation to the

Parents' and Friends' Parent Forum and General Meeting

Guest Speaker: Blake Griffith

(Aboriginal Education Worker at CBHS Lewisham)

Tuesday 21 May 2024

7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Commemorating Reconciliation Week in conjunction with Parent SOL Group

Our next Parent Forum on Tuesday 21 May precedes National Reconciliation Week, 27 May to 3 June. The theme for National Reconciliation Week this year is Now More Than Ever #NRW2024.


Authentic Reconciliation with our First Nations peoples is a crucial part of who we are as Australians and as Catholics. As such we will have a First Nations guest speaker, Blake Griffith, address why this week is important and look at ways all of us can contribute to a more harmonious and respectful relationship with our nation and the original stewards. Our Parent SOL group and others will also lead us through some insights and activities on the theme.


Perhaps you’ve always wondered what your sons learn at school about recognition, respect, and reconciliation with our First Peoples. This is an opportunity to broaden your knowledge and understanding and be able to engage in conversation with your sons at this time and beyond. Pope John Paul II made it very clear when he indicated that our Church would never be complete until our relationship with our Indigenous peoples and their life quality improves.


Join us for an evening of learning, feeling, and engaging in an area that needs our attention and care – Reconciliation. It truly is needed ‘now more than ever.’


A night not to be missed.


Please register via this link: Parents’ and Friends’ Forum and General Meeting.


Parents' and Friends' Committee