Sport News

Welcome back to Term 2!
The weather has cooled down nicely and it is great to be out and about during our Sport lessons.
Cross Country Friday 3rd May
The Sacred Heart Cross Country is fast approaching! I’m sure it will be a fantastic day of fun, fitness, and personal bests.
Children to wear their House Colours for the day. (if unsure of house please see your child’s classroom teacher or Sally and Debbie in the office).
Date: Friday 3rd May
Time: 9.30 ~11.15am
Location: Rotunda at Cussens Park, Tatura
Please see attachment for further details.
Good Sports Trophy
The winner of the Good Sport Trophy for Week 8 Term 1 was Eve N. Eve always gives everything her best effort and supports others. Well done!
The winner of the Good Sport Trophy for Week 1 Term 2 was Kobe O. Kobe plays games fairly and with good sportsmanship. He always supports others and follows the rules of the game. Well done Kobe!
School Sports Victoria Team Vic Trials
Lately some 5/6 students have been participating in the School Sports Victoria Team Vic Trials. Well done to Hunter (Football), Tommee (Football), Lucas (Basketball), Kallen (Basketball) and Harry (Cricket) who all represented themselves and Sacred Heart to the best of their abilities. The Team Trials are a fantastic experience to be involved in and I know the students were excited to be a part of it. Please find attached some photos from the trials. Congratulations Harry who has progressed through to the next stage for Cricket.
Thank you!
Thank you to Brendan Spittles and the Tatura Soccer Club who have kindly donated a number of soccer balls to the sports shed. It is greatly appreciated by everyone.
Mr. Nilbett
Physical Education & Health