Indonesian Cultural Day


Heathmont College Hari Indonesia, Cultural Day Celebration. 

 On Monday, 22nd April, we held our annual Indonesian cultural day celebrations with 130 grade 6 students from our neighbouring primary schools. Students learnt traditional dances, martial arts, masks making and sepak takraw kick ball. The sessions ran for the whole day led by Heathmont College Indonesian students. Students then enjoyed a delicious lunch of nasi goreng and Japanese salad prepared on site. It was a great language and cultural immersion day!  


Besides enriching students’ Asian Literacy skills, these events provide excellent support for the primary school students, ensuring a smooth transition to secondary schools. They also provide brilliant opportunities for senior Indonesian students to learn and teach others about Indonesian language and culture. 



“We just returned from our school Bali tour and it was great to talk about our experience. We also showed our Bali movie that we created”, Ruby J, Miah C, Zoe H, Year 10. 
“We enjoyed learning and teaching the Poco Poco dance to primary school students. They loved it”, Grace M, Fleur B, Gemma S and Sam M, Year 10. 


Feedback from Great Ryrie PS 


“Thank you very much to Prema and Heathmont College for having us at the wonderful event! It’s exceptional to see how our students grew and behaved, especially the impressive connections between students from local schools and the students from Heathmont College. The Nasi Goreng is palatable! Thanks for having us! Bagus sekali!”, Karen R, Principal of Great Ryrie PS. 
From Great Ryrie Indonesian Captains: 
“We love all the activities as they're very special. We had so much fun and got to know students from other schools. We wish to have more events like that! Also, we love eating Nasi Goreng! Terima kasih Bu dan Heathmont College!” 
Feedback form Bayswater North PS 
“It was very engaging for the primary school students to participate in Heathmont College’s Indonesian day event, including the opportunity to see learning in a secondary school. I also love seeing my ex-students there”, Mary-Ellen D, Indonesian teacher, Bayswater North PS and Marlborough PS. 
“I really enjoyed the mask making. This allowed me to learn about the facial details in Indonesian masks for different characters. I also liked the games and learning about where they are most played in Indonesia and where they originated from”, Annabel. A 


“I really enjoyed the dancing and learning the poco poco dance. It was enjoyable because it got us moving and it was also easy to learn with the Heathmont College girls who helped us learn it”, Jasmine. R 


“I enjoyed the mask making, I liked how we could decorate it however we wanted with glitter and feathers. I also enjoyed learning the Indonesian poco-poco dance and the food was amazing. I would definitely recommend this day to other students!”, Advika. G 
“I enjoyed the mask making and being creative on what I could make. Learning the poco poco dance was really fun as well and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the Heathmont College student helpers. The food was great, and I would like to come again”, Talia. N 


“I really enjoyed the Indonesian ball game because it showed me how other cultures around the world have different sports. The poco poco dance was lots of fun and a bit similar to the Nutbush. But the thing I enjoyed the most was the Nasi Goreng because it tasted so good, it had good measurements and tasted salty, tangy and delicious! Overall, I really enjoyed the trip to Heathmont College”, Sahej S  


“I really enjoyed the Indonesian games such as sepak takrow. The Poco Poco dance was also fun and cool to learn. We learnt some marital arts that originated in Indonesia. I also really enjoyed the Nasi Goreng because you got to choose what you wanted, and it was very delicious. I am excited to go to Heathmont College next year and learn a lot of new things”, Jayden L 

Submitted by Prema Devathas

Languages Curriculum Area Leader and Indonesian teacher.