Captain's Report

The start of this term has been a whirlwind of excitement. 


Not even 4 weeks in and we’ve already had a range of activities and excursions occur. We’ve had our year 12 VCE health students participate in the Road to Zero safety experience, along with a guided tour through the city streets. We’ve also had our girls AFL team head out and win the day which takes them to the next round later this year. 

Not only have we been excelling outside of the school grounds, but we’ve also been busy back here at school. Our production cast is in the midst of rehearsals, with big strides being made. Lines are being learnt and scenes are beginning to be blocked with lots of fun being had along the way. 


There is still so much to look forward to this term and we aren’t even halfway yet. 

Enjoy the rest of your term Heathmont!


Maddie Butler

Vice School Captain, Community