Grade 6 News

Term 1 Learning


During Term 1, Grade 6 students focused on learning about Democracy. As part of this unit of work, students wrote to a level of government to instigate a change or improvement. Some of the topics that students chose to campaign for were: New drink taps at Mano, more student crossings on Minerva Road, improved public toilets at Peter Lowe Reserve, improved female change rooms at Bell Park FNC, a bike park for local kids in Manifold Heights and many more.


These letters were drafted, published and posted. To date the Grade 6 students have received responses from: The Education Department, the Mayor of Geelong, Christine Couzens, the Principal of Western Heights and last week we even had a response from the Prime Minister - Anthony Albanese. You may have even spotted some Mano students on the front page of the Geelong Advertiser as part of their campaigns.


Well done to all the students for their commitment to having their voice heard!