Cyndees Café & 

Pastoral Care


Hi Mano folk,


Just bringing your attention to some of the ways your children may connect with one another and myself throughout the year.


Firstly, I run two café’s each week.  

These are child-friendly spaces of connection, belonging and fun for our students each and every week.


Chill’n with Kevin   runs each Tuesday at 8:30am in the round room space at 8:30 am.  It is for Prep- Grade 4 students, and it operates on a capped free token system. Children line up for a warm milo, sit in a circle and “chill” with Kevin, and may join in a simple activity until the first bell.


Senior Pop In Café (SPIC) runs each Thursday lunchtime at 2:00 pm, and is also held in the round room space. This cafe operates on a capped free ticket system. Senior volunteers help to run this café. Students receive a milo, a biscuit and participate in lively group games!  


Pastoral Care is also available for students who require socio-emotional care and support through grief & loss, family crisis, friendship struggles and other difficulties they may encounter in their lives whilst attending Mano. I usually meet with your child for 6 sessions, and afterwards, I check in periodically.  You may speak with your child’s teacher, to Assistant Principal Mrs. Narelle Geary or chat with myself to access this support. Please note there is an info/consent form, and there may be a short wait before I can commence.


Warm smiles,


Cyndee Little  


School Chaplain  

Tuesdays & Thursdays