Celebrating Our Strengths
Celebrating Our Strengths
Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day. Attending and participating in school will help your child develop:
The research proves that children who attend school every day and complete year 12 have:
It is a legal requirement that children 6 to 17 years old attend school each day. You as a parent or guardian are responsible for making sure your child goes to school every day, unless there is a valid reason not to attend such as illness, bereavement or a family holiday.
Without a reasonable explanation, school attendance is classified in the following categories:
Regular Attendance – missing less than 10 days of school a year
Risk of Chronic Absence – missing between 10 & 19 days a year
Chronic Absence – missing more than 20 days (which equates to 1 day a fortnight)
Tips to help improve your child’s attendance
Below is a link to a flyer from the Victorian Education Department about regular school attendance and why every day counts.
If you have any concerns about your child missing school, attendance rates or your child's wellbeing, please reach out to your classroom teacher or any member of our Wellbeing team.
I am contactable via compass, through the office or via email –louise.jarvis@education.vic.gov.au.
Have a lovely weekend,
Louise Jarvis
Wellbeing Specialist Teacher