Wellbeing Update

National Chaplaincy Week

What is Chaplaincy Week?


Chaplaincy Week is an annual event organized by SU Australia, our chaplaincy provider. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the important role that school chaplains play within our school community. It serves as a platform to celebrate, express gratitude towards, and garner support for our school chaplain.


This year, Chaplaincy Week is scheduled to take place from 19 May to 26 May 2024. It's a time for our school community to come together to recognise and appreciate the positive impact our chaplain has on the well-being and support of students, staff, and families.



Who is our school chaplain and what do they do?

Our school chaplain is David Leth, and they work as part of our school’s support team. They are a safe person for all students to connect with at school, providing a listening ear, caring presence and emotional or spiritual support. Chaplains are trained professionals, providing pastoral care for students struggling with personal or family issues, friendship difficulties, bullying, depression and more. Below is a little bit more about our chaplain.



Why do I choose to work as a chaplain and what do I hope to achieve in my role?

"I became a school chaplain because I felt a strong desire to support and guide young people in their social, emotional and spiritual development. In my role, I aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for students to navigate their life challenges. Ultimately, I hope to foster a sense of belonging, resilience, and personal growth within the whole school community."



What do I do at school?

"Some of the things that I do at school include attending camp and running activities for student engagement at camp, run and supervise a multitude of programs and activities and events to foster inclusivity and a positive culture in school communities and provide social and emotional support to students, families and staff."



How can I find out more about school chaplaincy?

If you have any questions about the Chaplaincy Service and the support we are able to provide to you or your children, or you’d just appreciate someone to chat to, please feel free to contact David at wellbeinghub2@thegapshs.eq.edu.au . You can also find out more at suchaplaincy.org.au.


Call for Participants

Is someone in your family experiencing/has experienced a transition out of the Australian Defence Force?  Or have you transitioned yourself?


ACPA Performing Arts School Holiday Workshop

This workshop is open to ALL students - Indigenous and non-Indigenous between ages 10 and 17+.


The ACPA program consists of:

  • Welcome/Acknowledgement from Local Traditional Owners
  • Provision of meals for the day, including light breakfast on arrival
  • Participants learn First Nations Storytelling Practices, Commercial Dance and Group Singing Techniques, please see our website for footage and photos from our April 2024 and 2023’s Workshops
  • Our 4-day Workshop includes a Performance Day on the Thursday 27 June, where ACPA Students and School Holiday Participants will participate in an on-stage performance open to all family, friends and community with a light lunch provided after the show
  • ACPA’s Student Support Officer and ACPA’s First Nations Student Mentors will provide additional cultural and social support for participants
  • School Support Officers are welcome to attend for the duration of the Program to provide additional support for schools who organise group bookings.  Please email admin@acpa.edu.au to organise group bookings by the 7th of June to enable our administration processes to be finalised by start of Workshops


How to Enrol: Please visit the website: School Holiday Workshop - ACPA scroll down to the black “click here to enrol” box. Or you may prefer to fill in the attached Enrolment form and email it back to admin@acpa.edu.au


To make an enquiry visit https://acpa.edu.au/ fill in your details on the school holiday pop up and then press the black submit dialogue box.



School Holiday Program

TAFE Queensland is hosting its annual School Holiday Program (formally Season School), a series of workshops to give high school students a taste of what TAFE Queensland has to offer.