Middle SS News

Sarah Hill

Week 6


I hope you had a great start to the week, and a less tiresome week after swimming! Please note, a feedback survey will be shared shortly, with the view to assess the successes and improvements needed for future planning of swimming.


MSS Assemblies

Ahead of time, the Week 6 assembly is finished and uploaded to Seesaw. Thank you Rooms 10, 13 and 16.


Next up…

Week 8: Rooms 14 & 17



A gentle reminder that heading into this term we have excursions taking place- please ensure you remain on top of the excursion to do list ahead of time. Be sure permission has been given by parents, the activity locator lodged and transport as well as staffing considered. I urge you to touch base with both myself and the admin staff in the weeks leading up to the excursion to ensure you have a second set of eyes over documentation, and a sounding board to assist in planning and coordination of the excursion.


Tier 1 Feedback & Coaching

Thank you to everyone for having me in your classrooms to audit the environmental structures. I hope you were able to come away having identified some of the positives with regards to the way you have set up your classrooms to ensure a clutter free, sensory friendly environment. Similarly, that you also came away with actions, or possible improvements that could be made to make the space even more inviting for students, and conducive to learning.


PLC & Professional Learning

There will be no PLC or PL in Weeks 5-7 due to SSGS.



SSG’s should be under way this week. A reminder to send me a quick email, or calendar invitation if you would like for me to attend. 


All minutes should be uploaded within a week of the SSG occurring. Please note that the agendas are preloaded onto SharePoint, meaning you don’t have to write these out by hand, or save them to your own laptop. 


IEP’s and Report Writing

Dan conducted a report writing briefing a few weeks ago.If you were unable to attend, please ensure you refer to the PowerPoint referenced, touch base with your buddy classroom teacher, and of course liaise with myself if you would like further support or information. A mock report is due to SSL’s at the start of Week 7.


Have a wonderful week!