Production 2024





What you need to do now?


Step 1 -

Rehearsal Preview

Each classroom will need to book a time in the CLH during either week 6 or 7 for a rehearsal preview with Amanda and Mary. Thankyou to the classrooms that have booked a time already. Please book a time now before all slots are filled.

Book using Google Drive


Step 2 - 

Costume and Props

Classroom budget - $50.00 per classroom

Order sheet will be opened and available to staff to add their orders to on Google Drive  


ALL Orders close on Friday 31st May (week 7).  

Late orders will not be accepted


Step 3 -  Book a time in the CLH on Google Drive


Week 6 and 7

Rehearsal preview in CLH

Week 6
9.30am – 12.00pm12.00pm – 2.30pm9.30am – 12.30pm9.30am – 12.00pm


Week 7
9.30am – 12.00pm12.30pm – 2.30pm


Book using Google Drive  


Week 8 and 9

Continue rehearsing with students in the classroom.

Continue working on your backdrop and/or props.


Week 10

One class from each sub-school will be chosen for a pre-production photo shoot.

Continue rehearsing with students in the classroom.

Continue working on your backdrop and/or props.


Week 11

Continue rehearsing with students in the classroom.

Continue working on your backdrop and/or props.



What you need to do...

1.     Continue rehearsals with your students

2.     Add your costume and props order to Google Drive by Friday 31st May