Primary Sub School News

Sub School Leader: Michelle Davies

Week 6

I wanted to say a GIGANTIC thank you to everyone for ensuring swimming has been a resounding success!  Please be aware that a feedback form will be circulated shortly to gather your views on any successes as well as solution-focused ideas for areas to improve.



PSS Assemblies

Next up…  Week 7: Room 1


Tier 1 Observations

Thanks to those rooms who have met with me to discuss your tier one practices in your environment; it was great to see how our students are supported within clutter free spaces to achieve their full potential!  I look forward to meeting with everyone throughout this week.



SSG’s have commenced - a big thank you to everyone who has uploaded their minutes to SharePoint in students’ files.  Please let me know if you would like me to attend or if there are any immediate actions that you would like me to support with.


PLC & Professional Learning

There will be no PLC or PL in Weeks 5-7 due to SSG’s.


IEP’s and Report Writing

A mock report is due to be sent to SSL’s at the beginning of week 7.  Please refer to the report writing briefing that Dan sent or let me know if you need a copy.  As always, liaise with your buddy classroom or contact myself; I am always available to help!


Best wishes for a great week!