Literacy Update

Opportunities to engage your child to write at home.
Please take some time to discuss the Short Story Writing Competition and the Pen Pal opportunity with the Sacred Heart Community with your child/children.
2024 KIDNEWS Short Story Writing Competition
The KidsNews 2024 Short Story writing competition is open.
The competition is free to enter, if you are interested in participating, please start writing and enter! The competition has opened and will close on Friday May 31st. The competition has three age groups suitable for primary schools;
- Foundation -Year 2
- Years 3-4
- Years 5-6 to Year 4
Stories need to be between 250 and 750 words for students in Foundation; and between 500 to 1000 words for students in Years 5 & 6. You can enter a story you have already written, or you can start something new.
Jackie French is again leading a panel of judges who will select the winning entries with the first prize winner in each age group scoring 10 copies of the story published by HarperCollins.
If you would like to enter, please click on this link here and fill in the form. You can upload your stories and consent forms all in one spot from home. Where it asks for a teacher’s name, fill in my name and email address and the school telephone number (see below).
If you would like any assistance or advice regarding the competition, please send your child to come and talk to me or send through an email.
Jacqueline Morphy
8598 6444
Some of the members of the Sacred Heart Community have few close connections. Imagine contributing to a little joy in their day. Receiving a letter and picture from students at a local school could be the only interaction some of these St Kilda community members have to look forward to. We are planning to deliver one letter each month.
I am thrilled that we already have some families express interest in this initiative. Please email me as soon as possible if you would like to be a part of this writing. We can provide paper if required and I can spend some time with the students interested, helping them brainstorm some ideas to share in their letters.
You would think EVERY book in our school would be contacted by now but I have to break it to you …… there are still loads to go! I am working my way through each of the classroom libraries and removing books that need to be covered.
There are a group of parents that have been ABOLUTELY AMAZING …. I cannot stress that enough. It would be great to ease their load and spread out the work. I always have a bag of books and a roll of contact available in the Foundation space, so please come and see me or ask Wendy in the office. I am so grateful as books that are contacted definitely have a longer life span meaning more kids get to enjoy them.
Jac Morphy
Leading Teacher