A message from the Principal

Before and after school supervision
In the interests of student safety, I was just keen to remind parents of the arrangements around school supervision each morning and afternoon.
- School staff are on duty in the school yard from 8:45am each day until the bell rings at 9:00am.
- After school, staff provide supervision in the yard until 3:45pm.
- If your child is at school before 8:45am or after 3:45pm then they must be closely supervised by a parent or carer or booked into Team Kids.
- Please also note that, unlike break times, we only provide supervision within the school yard before and after school. Students are not to play in the park, on the oval or on the adventure playground at the rear of the school unless there is a parent that stays with them and directly supervises them. When you are dropping your child at school, please ensure that they go into (and stay in) the school grounds. Our staff will also be enforcing this expectation and moving all students into the school grounds at 8:45 each morning.
Thank you in advance for your help to ensure that our students stay safe at these times
Neil Scott