Religious Education
Term 2, Week 4
Religious Education
Term 2, Week 4
The Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians is this Friday, 24th May. Our Primary students will attend Mass at 10am. This is a special memorial Mass for Sister Therese Conroy RSJ and Mrs Kath Davidson.
The feast day to Mary Help of Christians has been celebrated in Australia since 1844 but the history to this day dates back to the start of the 1800’s.
This Sunday, 26th May everyone is invited to attend St Brigid's Church, Quirindi to celebrate some very special events. These include the commencement of Catholic Schools Week, the arrival of the Message Stick to our Parish and School community and Pope Francis's first World Children's Day!
MESSAGE from Pope Francis:
Dear Children!
Your first World Day, which will be held in Rome on 25-26 May this year, is fast approaching. That is why I thought of sending you a Message. I am happy that you will be able to read it and I thank all those responsible for passing it on to you.
I want to speak to each of you, dear children, because, as the Bible teaches us, and as Jesus showed so often, “you are precious” in God’s eyes (Is 43:4).
At the same time, I am addressing this Message to all of you, because all children, everywhere, are a sign of everyperson’s desire to grow and flourish. You remind us that we are all children, brothers and sisters. We would not be alive unless others brought us into this world, nor could we grow without having others to love and from whom to receive love (cf. Fratelli Tutti, 95).
Our First Holy Communion candidates are working well through their lessons and booklets. Please keep the following students in your prayers and thoughts as they prepare for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion:
Andy Bartholomew
Ryder Hird
Tayla Jamieson
Billie Peach
Molly Peach
Reuben Shaw
Our remaining lessons:-
Fourth Lesson will be on Wednesday 22nd May 2024
Fifth Lesson will be on Wednesday 29th May 2024
Reflection Day will be on Friday 31st May 2024
The Sacrament will be celebrated on Sunday 2nd June which is the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ.
Take care and kind regards,
Mrs Sarah-Jane Canham
Religious Education Coordinator