A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Dear Parents and Carers,


Catholic Schools Week


Next week is a special week for our school community as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. 


We celebrate our Catholic Principles and Values which guide us to be like Jesus; a good friend who helps others. 

We celebrate how by Living Well and Learning Well we are helping each student be the best version of themself.

We celebrate that with parental and community support we have the privilege to provide quality education which ensures all students are literate and numerate and have a hope filled future.


We commence the week with a warm invitation to all our families to join us at the 9.30am Sunday Mass on 26th May. This mass will include prayers especially for children as Pope Francis has declared this day the first World Children’s Day. 


Our diocese is hosting the state Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Conference in October and similar to an Olympic torch travelling across a country a MESSAGE STICK is currently on a journey across our diocese. It will arrive in our parish on this day. I look forward to seeing many of our families at this important event.


On Tuesday 28th May the student leaders, Mrs Canham and I will attend a Diocesan Mass in Tamworth with representatives from other Catholic Schools in our area. 


On Wednesday 29th May at 9.30am-10.30am we have an Open Morning for new families. Please continue to recommend our school to your family and friends. 


On Thursday 30th May the local preschool will visit our Kinder class. 


The students will be discussing in class what our school means to them. I am excited to hear their responses, which I will share with you in next week's newsletter. 


PAT Assessments

This week students from Year 2 - Year 6 will complete PAT Assessments for Reading and Mathematics. Teachers carefully analyse the results so they can plan teaching and learning activities at the level each student needs. We also look for any whole school trends so that we can celebrate successful learning growth and also reflect on how to help all students improve.


Have a happy and safe week

Pauline Long
