From the Principal

Good morning everyone. This newsletter is one of congratulations. 


This week we farewelled our Year 12 students at the whole school assembly and the Valedictory. It was such a pleasure to speak to the Year 12 cohort and their families. 

They have been a fantastic group of students, working together, supporting each other and being kind to each other. Their teachers have enjoyed their time with them and are expecting great results from our VCE-ATAR students. We wish them well in their exams. 

We wish all Year 12 students the very best for the next stage of their journey in life.



During their assembly, I announced the 2025 College Captains - Carter Nicholson and Ethan Barker and Vice Captains - Larni Thomas and Luka Djurkovic. The outgoing College Captains, Bridie Borthwick and Molly Pierce-Decker handed the MSC shield to the incoming Captains. 


Congratulations. The first public speaking event for our new Captains will be our annual Remembrance Day ceremony. Parents and friends are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Alesha Boon in Student Services.


Congratulations to Matthew Rattue and Noah Thompson. Both students received an award at the Peninsula Applied Learning Awards, held on Tuesday night.  


Congratulations is also extended to Ethan Sheen, Zaya Lindsay-Rechter, Leena N’diaye and Andrew Turver. They all placed at the State Athletics Championships. 


Another great week at MSC.









Linda Stanton


STOP Press: Its World Teachers Day!!!


Maybe take a moment to send a message of thanks to some of your children’s teachers to thank them for their hard work.  Send some kind words to a teacher friend you have or even reach out to one of YOUR teachers. It's time to share a little kindness!  


Important Dates

Term 4


Tuesday 29th to Thursday 31st October - Year 10 Outdoor and Environmental Studies Otways Camp



Monday 4th November - Staff Professional Development Day - Student free

Tuesday 5th November - Melbourne Cup - Public Holiday

Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th November - Year 10 Outdoor and Environmental Studies Otways hike

Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day commemorations - 10.45am

Wednesday 13th November - Year 11 SWOTVAC - No classes for Year 11 students

Thursday 14th November - Final presentations for Year 11 VM students

Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th November - Final assessment presentations for Year 11 VM students

Tuesday 19th November - Year 7 celebration of first year of secondary school - Portfolio showcase afternoon

Thursday 21st November - Year 9 Graduation and social - Frankston Arts Centre

Friday 22nd November - Professional Practice Day for all teachers - Student free

Monday 25th November - Fast Forward commences - students transition into their 2025 year level and classes

Thursday 28th November - Year 10 Formal - Frankston Arts Centre



Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th December - Japanese visitors from Nara

Friday 6th December - Year 11 and 12 2025 students final day

Tuesday 10th December - Grade 6 Orientation Day for students joining MSC in 2025

Monday 16th December - Presentation Evening - New Peninsula Baptist Church - 6.30pm

Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th December - 3 day activity program

Friday 20th December - Last day of Term 4

Don't forget to look on compass for sport sign ups, excursions and any other information sent to students and parents. 

Below is a link to help guide you in your use of compass.


Middle School

Dear Parents and Carers


Understanding How We Learn and Remember: Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve

I thought that I would share some information about learning and memory with you.

Did you know that we tend to forget new information quite quickly after we first learn it?

According to Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve, the greatest amount of forgetting happens within the first hour of learning something new, with a significant amount forgotten within the first 20 minutes!


However, there’s good news! We remember stronger memories for longer periods. By reviewing what we’ve learned soon after learning it and practicing regularly, we can help strengthen our memory and retain information for longer. Encouraging your child to revisit their schoolwork regularly is a great way to help them hold onto what they’ve learned.

I have mentioned in previous newsletters that the Department of Education have revised the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (VTLM). The new VTLM 2.0 emphasizes how students learn, and it provides increased clarity for teachers about the elements of teaching that have the strongest evidence base.


In the new model there are 4 elements of learning. I have included 2 elements:

Knowledge and memory:

  • Working memory is the active workspace for engaging with knowledge, skills and concepts.
  •  Learning happens when new knowledge moves from working memory to long-term memory.
  •  Long-term memory is where information, including our memories, are stored and new knowledge is linked to existing mental models.

Retention and recall:

  • As working memory has limited capacity, it is best supported if new information is introduced in small, manageable chunks, a task is not too difficult for the current level of knowledge, there are no visual or auditory distractions and there are clear expectations and consistent rules and routines.
  •  Practice using new information facilitates transfer to long-term memory and retention. Recalling new knowledge strengthens the connections in long-term memory and makes it easier to apply.

It is so interesting to learn about how we learn!


Wishing you a great week.




Denise Leggett

Middle School Assistant Principal




Senior School

To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,


And then there were only two year-levels in classes each day in the Senior School… The class of 2024 had a big start to the week, with their last day of classes where they came dressed up as a future career. There were some proud future housewives, a race of jockeys (apparently that is the collective noun for jockeys), some doctors, nurses, tradespeople and an acapella group among the various costumes. Irrespective of the costumes, there was a terrific atmosphere around the Senior School that day.


On Tuesday, the year 12s came in and had breakfast with each other and their teachers before heading into their final assembly. I’d like to commend the class of 2024 on how they managed themselves, having fun while they celebrated in a manner befitting the experience so many of them have had at Mornington. Once they viewed the final video messages from and to each other it was off home and a chance to relax before the biggest night of the year for the cohort, the Year 12 Valedictory Evening. It was a fantastic event, and we got to acknowledge the achievements of many students and officially graduate the class of 2024. Congratulations to all of our award winners, nominees and graduates. We look forward to hearing about your future successes.


Year 10 and 11 attendance

We need your help parents. Attendance plays a huge role in student achievement in the senior years in particular. The Department of Education is especially worried about absence that is not explained by seeking medical attention or other important documented reasons. Every day, a message is sent out if your child has not been marked present in one of their first 2 classes. In that message is a link to explain that absence. It’s really important that we have that reason. In VCE in particular, only some reasons (all with some form of official documentation) are considered ‘approved’ reasons and this can result in students not meeting the attendance requirement for one or more units. The big issue is that evidence of learning needs to be authenticated in class by a teacher and that the pace of lessons is such that one or two lessons missed, can result in fundamental and pivotal understanding gaps needed in an area of study. 


Arrangements for Year 12 students during SWOTVAC (study without teaching vacation)

Year 12 teachers will be available during their usual scheduled year 12 class time for any student who wishes to come in for support in preparation for their exams. The teacher of their year 12 class will be available in those times up until the exam for that subject. In my teaching career, I saw a direct correlation between students who came in for extra support and better exam results and thus study scores. Year 12s do not need to come in uniform for these sessions (they do for exams) and if they come in with prepared questions/responses for staff to provide feedback on, it could make a huge difference. Year 11 students studying a Unit 3&4 subject will continue to attend classes as scheduled up until their exam.


What is coming up this term? 


Wed 23rd – Mon 28th October – Year 12 SWOTVAC (study without scheduled classes – students welcome to come in and see their year 12 teachers for assistance who will be available during their usual year 12 class time)

Tues 29th Oct – Wed 20th Nov – Year 12 VCAA exam period

Mon 4th Nov – Professional Practice Day (no classes for students)

Tues 5th Nov – Melbourne Cup Day (no classes or exams)

Tues 12th Nov – Year 11 SWOTVAC Day (to prepare for exams)

Wed 13th Nov – Thurs 21st Nov – Year 10 & 11 Exam period (assessed on 2024 content)

Fri 22nd Nov – Exam correction day and planning day for Fast Forward program

Mon 25th Nov – Fri 6th Dec - 2025 Fast Forward program (year 10s and 11s finish on this day)

Friday 29th Nov – Year 10 Formal 

Thurs 12th Dec – VCE ATAR results released to students

Mon 16th Dec – 2024 MSC Awards evening


Kind regards




Nick Evans

Senior School Assistant Principal




Applied Learning at work….

This week Rebecca Slater, Applied Learning Leader, and myself had the pleasure of attending the Peninsula Applied Learning Awards. These awards celebrate the success of students across the peninsula who are excelling in the area of applied learning.


What is applied learning?  

Applied learning involves students engaging in authentic and motivating learning experiences. It is a method of learning where theoretical information comes to life for students when in a real-world context that relates directly to their own future.


Noah Thompson Excellence Award

Following a Year 10 work experience, Noah connected HeadStart who supported him to secure a Carpentry SBAT in November 2023. This set him up perfectly for his completion of Year 11 VCE Vocational Major at Mornington Secondary College. Noah’s employer has described him as an asset to the team, loyal, reliable and approaches his work in a respectful manner achieving excellent results. Noah’s attitude towards his work and studies is outstanding, he is an asset in his classes as he is a natural leader and role model, who always applies himself and helps others.


Matt Rattue Achievement Award

Matt has demonstrated exceptional dedication to his VCE VM pathway this year, with a mid-year transition from VCE ATAR. Matt has been able to adjust and adapt to the program, with a fantastic attitude and motivation for always doing his best. Matt’s confidence has grown remarkably, with strong friendships being formed in school, VET and workplace settings. Matt aims high, completes to an excellent standard and is the first to assist others. His teachers describe him as respectful, hardworking, passionate and driven. Matt thrives in the classroom, his VET Sport and Recreation and Structured Workplace Learning settings.



Congratulations to these students and well done to our pathway and Vocational Major staff for creating the opportunities for our applied learning students.


Kind regards




Mike Parker

Assistant Principal



Celebrating the Class of 2024

This week, our Year 12’s completed their last two days of secondary college.  The week began with a ‘Dress as your Future you’ themed day. We certainly had a mixed bag of futures. From jockeys, Sandy and the Pink Ladies to brides and mums, a lion and much more.  It was a great day.  We even had a horse race with our jockeys on the oval at lunch time.  Well done to our jockey Jacob Cox for the great win.


Tuesday, our last day, began with a hearty breakfast in the courtyard, followed by our full school assembly.  The Year 12’s were marched in by our college Drum Corps and were farewelled by all, including a lovely farewell from our Year 7’s. 


Next was our Year 12 only assembly, with words from our Year 12 teachers, reflections from our students and pizza lunch before we sent them home to get ready for our Valedictory.


Our Valedictory was a great night.  Our students looked magnificent in their formal wear, and it was wonderful to see everyone celebrating with their families.


We wish all our Year 12 students who are sitting exams all the very best and all our students success in whatever pathway they choose.




Jo Reeman

Year 12 Team Leader





Middle School Student of the Week

Year 7:Declan Keady








Favourite food:

sushi and my dad’s noodles

Hobbies out of school:

I play basketball and hanging out with Curtis and all my friends

What sports team do you follow: 

Miami Heat Basketball and Richmond AFL

Favourite TV show:  

Starting Five

Do you have any pets: 

A staffy named Rocky 

What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College?

I like P.E and hanging out with all the friends I have made this year. The canteen is really good too!

What career do you wish to follow when you finish school?

I have a few options, a roofer, a NBL basketball player, or a basketball trainer. 


Year 8:  Noah Harnath








Favourite food: 

Fried Rice

Hobbies out of school: 

Gaming, and going for walks

What sports team do you follow:

Carlton FC

Favourite TV show:

Stranger Things

Do you have any pets: 

2 dogs named Ruby and Schnapps, and 1 cat named Rocket 

What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College?

I enjoy seeing my friends every day and Japanese class

What career do you wish to follow when you finish school?

I am not entirely sure, but something in the medical field.


Year 9: Jonathan Nguyen








Favourite food:

I like all food, I’m a food person

Hobbies out of school:

Martial arts, play the piano, reading, and gaming

What sports team do you follow: 

No sports teams

Favourite TV show: 

One Piece

Do you have any pets: 

No pets but I would like a snake, rabbit, or cat

What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College?

Spending time with my friends and all the sports we do here

What career do you wish to follow when you finish school?

I want to be a civil engineer, architect, or carpenter

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