Assistant Principal's Report

Georgia Despotellis

It has been a busy couple of weeks. The teachers have been working hard writing reports to provide our parents and families with a comprehensive summary of your child/children’s achievement in relation to the Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards. The reports will be available through the Compass platform. I would like to thank all our teachers for the time and dedication that they have put into producing these reports.


On the last week of Term 2, on Tuesday 25th June, Wednesday 26th June (for Years 3-6 students only) and Thursday 27th June, we will be conducting Parent/Teacher interviews for all our Prep to Year 2 students and 3 Way Conferences for all our Year 3 to 6 students. With the new Agreement and its complexity to teacher work outside of regular hours, there is a limit of one spot for each student. We are using the Compass platform (Compass Conferences) for the booking of the Parent/Teacher Interviews and 3 Way Conferences. We will send out a Compass notification when they open.

This is a great opportunity to hear about your child’s progress at school and how we can work together to ensure that all our students thrive at school.


Wellbeing at CSPS

The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RR&RR) Program at CSPS is well underway. This program aims to develop students’ social, emotional, and positive relationship skills. It helps students understand and manage their emotions, feel and express empathy and deal with challenges and change. The program helps students establish and maintain positive relationships and create positive gender norms.

Our Respectful Relationships display board is regularly updated to reflect the wonderful work that is taking place in our classrooms. The Year 2 students’ work, based around the wellbeing strategy on ‘Help Seeking’ has just been displayed. They have been learning about people that they can help and people they can ask for help. Please ensure that you have a look when you are at the school next!



With Winter around the corner, we have seen an increase in cold and flus over the last couple of weeks. Every attempt is made to arrange for a Casual Replacement Teacher to be employed and take over the class of a sick teacher. Due to a teacher shortage, unfortunately there are times when one will not be available. I will use any resources at the school level to cover sick teachers, but unfortunately there will be times when I will need to split classes and/or cancel specialist classes for the day.


Offsite Evacuation Drill

On Thursday 23rd May we ran a mandated Offsite Emergency Evacuation Drill with all students and staff.  Our task was to evacuate the school to an offsite location, which for this drill was Marara Reserve.

We are so pleased to report how well all our students did during this drill, keeping calm and moving quickly and efficiently out to the designated assembly point.  Within 8 minutes the entire school had been evacuated and accounted for.

Our drills will run one per term with a variation on the type of drill each time.











Georgia Despotellis

Assistant Principal