Merit Awards

Early Stage 1

Fletcher Cleaver - For his outstanding mathematical ability to explore three-digit numbers in our whole number unit.

Lane Cruickshank- For his kindness and positive attitude that he continues to spread throughout the ES1 classroom. 

Stage 1

Lulu Cruickshank - for her dedication to improving her reading!

Jack Sutton - for his confidence in applying new strategies during Maths!

Stage 2

Brock Adams - for exemplifying unwavering resilience and dedication as he perseveres through challenges.

Harbour Hutton - for exemplifying unwavering resilience and dedication as she perseveres through challenges.

Stage 3

Darcy Sisson- Brilliant scientific observations!

George Hope- Fantastic improvement in Maths! 

Leadership Team 2024

Adam Marshall MP has sent letters to our School Leaders commending them on their willingness to step into a leadership position and wishing them well in their role.