Catholic Identity 

Libby Lockwood 

Assistant Principal & REC

Whole Liturgy

Today, Friday 24th May 2024, we held a whole school Liturgy to celebrate Our Mary Help of Christians. This liturgy occured prior to the commencement of our Whole School Assembly at 2.20pm. We warmly thank families for attending. 

Catholic Schools Week

This year's theme for Catholic Schools Week is 'Pray with Hope' and will be celebrated during Week 5. Some of our Year 6 students will attend a Deanery Mass at Mary Help of Christians on Tuesday, 28th May.

Year 6 RE Test

Our Year 6 students sat the RE Practice Test last week and are to be commended by their reverence and application. They will complete the formal Yr 6 RE Test on Tuesday, 18th June.


Reconciliation - Thursday 20th June 2024 (5pm)

First Eucharist - Sunday 23rd June 2024 (8.45am)


Dates for information nights of these Sacraments are as follows:

Reconciliation - Wednesday 5th June 2024

First Eucharist - Wednesday 5th June 2024 


** These information sessions will happen via zoom. A link will be sent out to the necessary families. 

Parish Mass Times

Please join our Parish to celebrate the Eucharist. Our Parish offers daily masses at 9:00am and two Mass times every weekend. 

Saturday - 6.00pm

Sunday - 9.00am

Living Well, Learning Well