From the Classroom

Grade 1/2G

Welcome to week five 


The term is flying by very fast and the children have settled beautifully back into their routines. We hope all our mums had a enjoyable and relaxing Mothers Day! 


Our focus for this term is on sustainability. We have been learning about how to sustain our environment by reducing, reusing and recycling. How long things take to decompose and the ethics of sustainability. Towards the end of this term, we will be making a gift to take home made out different materials and objects that we can reuse. A reminder that children please bring in some reusable items to complete this activity.


Some examples include:

  • Egg cartons
  • Cardboard
  • Plastic containers 
  • Paper towel rolls, cling wrap rolls or aluminium foil rolls 
  • Old buttons
  • Used ribbon
  • Used wrapping paper

Our current focus in Religious Education is looking at the wonder of God’s Creation and express the importance in caring for God’s Creation. We have discussed where we can see and experience our beautiful world. This links perfectly with our sustainability unit.


Don’t hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss anything This can be done through messages on Class Dojo or via email.


Kind Regards,

