Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Dear Families & Carers,


Welcome to another action packed newsletter. We have been celebrating up a storm here at Our Lady's with Catholic Education Week, Cross Country & Mother's Day. We are so very blessed as a community to be able to come together and celebrate these occasions together. 


In Week 3, we celebrated Catholic Education Week along with all schools in the diocese of Sandhurst. Our children came together for a liturgy on the Monday to open Catholic Education Week and then finished off the week with multiage activities based on our school. The children all had a great time getting together in their house colour groups to complete various tasks based on Catholic education. Thank you to Wang's Best Bakery & Little B's for providing the delicious catering. 

On Monday the 6th of May, Our Lady's ran our annual cross country. To add an element of fun, we asked our students to dress in their House Colours for the day. During the event we heard lots of encouragement for each other as children tried their very best in their event. Thank you to our wonderful House Captains who were able to run this event on the day!



Our Mother's Day Liturgy was a wonderful, touching service that filled us all with happiness. The biggest delight was that children were able to sit with their families! The smiles on all the faces was an absolute delight to witness. Thank you to all the Mum's, Dad's, Nan's, Grandmother's and carers who were able to attend. 


In closing, we have a group of students preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation & First Holy Communion. Please pray for these students as they take part in their faith journey. Connor, Kristopher, Charlotte & Maddy are currently being supported by Christine, our wonderful Parishioner. On Saturday the 25th of May, Bishop Shane, Monsigner Chris, Father Nathan along with St. Bernard's Primary School, for this special event. All families are welcome to attend this Mass so if you have time, come along at 4:00pm. 






Cassie Lynch