Religious Education

Mr Ray Hickey

Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday 7 June. The heart is regarded as the natural symbol of love and affection. The heart gives and sustains life. This celebration celebrates the life, actions and love of Jesus.

This feast originated in France in the 1600s. Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, a French nun, experienced several visions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus between 1673 and 1675. In these visions, Jesus spoke with St Margaret Mary asking her to encourage others to pray more and do kind actions for others. This reflects the unending love and compassion Jesus has for us and the long - suffering of the heart of Christ towards humanity.   In 1856, Pope Pius IX made the feast of the Sacred Heart a universal Church celebration. 

As well as praying to Jesus, we can show kindness and compassion to others during the month of June. 

One way the school families can do this is to donate non perishable food items and toiletries to our school collection. 

Non perishable food item and toiletries collection

We are inviting the school families to donate any non perishable food items to assist people and families within our parish and local community. 

If you are able to assist, the food items can be sent with your child to place in their classroom.

Suggested non perishable food items can include: cans of soup, packets of 'cup of soup',  tinned fish varieties, cans of spaghetti or baked beans, 2 minute noodles, rice cakes, packets of biscuits (sweet or savoury), cans of fruit, etc... 

We will also accept toiletries, such as unopened toothpaste & toothbrushes, shampoo, soap and non aerosol deodorants.

Please check the use by date or best before date before sending to school.

Thank you for your assistance.