A Message from the Principal

Mrs Carolyn Parsell

Dear Parents and Carers,

Sweet Success

Thank-you to everyone who participated, baked, shopped, served counted, cleaned up and helped with the cake stall yesterday. It was a very successful fundraising activity and wonderful example of the community coming together. My gratitude to the P&F Committee for your wonderful organising and dedication to fundraising for our school. The cakes were delicious and the atmosphere on the playground after school was lovely. Please see the Cake Stall Thank-you page.  Next week we have our general P&F Meeting in the Parish Hall from 8:15am on Wednesday 29th May. Please join us as we celebrate our successful activities and plan the upcoming events.


Tell Them From Me Survey

Each year we survey our parents, teachers and students about how we are going as a school community. This survey gives us feedback and ideas to inform change and to identify areas where we are doing really well. Responding to last year's survey we have made some changes to procedures around reporting and communicating with parents.

Please make sure you have your say and respond to the survey. We have 200 possible reponses, so get in early to have your say. If we get 175 responses the student will get a special reward. Use this link to access the survey. http://tellthemfromme.com/stmartha24


Enrolment for 2025

If you know anyone who is planning to send their child to St Martha's in 2025, please let them know that applications should be in by now. Letters of offer will be sent in a short time and we have a high number of applications. 


Mary Help of Christians Feast

Seven students from Year 6 will travel to St Mary's Cathedral tomorrow for the Mary Help of Christians Feast Day Mass. Our school will celebrate this feast next Wednesday with Mass at 11:40. Mary Help of Christians is one of Australia's Patron Saints. Mary, our Mother and Mother of Jesus is a special Patron to have watching over our counrty. I look forward to praying with our school leaders tomorrow and our school community next Wednesday.


I look forward to seeing many of you at our Family Mass this weekend. 10am Sunday with morning tea after in the school hall.


Peace and Best Wishes,

Carolyn Parsell