Inquiry Centre
Selamat Siang Inquiry Centre Families. We are flying through Term 2. This week students have been exploring informal units of measurement. It has been lots of fun measuring items in the classroom (even the teacher!) and recording our findings.
We have also been exploring Information Reports in Literacy sessions. Students are researching an animal of choice to find important information to share in a report. Stay tuned as students continue to work on this over the coming week.
Thanks to all our wonderful families for your continued support!
Emma, Suzie, Miss Shaye, Amanda, Miss Emmett, Kate and Mrs Seadon.
Student Voice - What went well this week?
- Maths - because I know about cms. - Vienay S
- Maths - because we are measuring lots of things. - Maisie P
- Maths - because we had a mystery object to find and measure. - Joey X
- Writing - because I learnt Fennick Foxes eat rotten eggs. - Elsie M
- Writing - because Fennick Foxes have black-tipped tails. - Sophie W
- 1/2E are presenting an Assembly item on Monday the 3rd of June.
- With cooler months ahead of us we welcome tissue box donations. Thank you!
- Hats are no longer required from May 1st until September
- With these cold mornings and warm afternoons please make sure all jumpers and belongs are labelled with your child's name.
- Students are reminded to bring their library bags to school on library days.
Pupil of the week
1/2A - Vienay S
For demonstrating a love of learning in Writing this week. You experiment with new vocabulary and always try to make your writing interesting. Well done Vienay!
1/2M - Daisy C
For demonstrating a love of learning when calculating the length of your jump. You used unifix to make an accurate measurement and listened carefully to feedback to help you count them more efficiently. Well done, Daisy!
1/2S - Caleb G
For graduating from the 'MiniLit' program this week! You are doing an amazing job, keep it up!
1/2KS - Laikyn M
For showing perseverance when reading. You have done so well and made wonderful progress Laikyn and we are very proud of you!
1/2E - Sunny G
For demonstrating a willingness to learn in Reading and Mathematics. You have made great progress in reading and take on feedback positively when skip counting. Well done!