Peer Support

Mrs Choueiri

Week 4 - Including others

Our session this week in Stronger Together - our Peer Support module for our students, considers the relationships that students develop and how they can change over time. It looks at the role they play in contributing to these relationships and how the use of power, trust and honesty can change a relationship. Parents and carers of participating students might like to talk about the different relationships that you have or their relationships with family and other friends outside school.


Week 5 - Make the change

Our session this week in Stronger Together - our Peer Support module encourages students to identify any behaviours or actions they feel are unhealthy in self and others. Skill building in identifying behaviours, inclusive practice and developing empathy assist students to transition into making positive decisions to change. This might be an opportunity for parents and carers of participating students to remind your child about when they have handled change well and their skills they could use.


Week 6 - Know your rights

Our Peer Support session in Stronger Together this week looks closely at the rights of each individual in relation to bullying and harassment. It looks at a range of techniques to support those being bullied and encourages them and the bystanders to take action. Parents and carers of participating students could talk with their child about what they would do if it happened to them.


Thank you, all participating students, Peer Leaders, staff and parents/carers, for your support.