Principal's message

The weeks are flying by already this term and the dates to remember are definitely a starting point when filling in your calendar. Some of our Year 5 students are excitedly preparing for the School Student Leader speeches, Year 6 are preparing for Fun Day as well as all the other aspects of finishing their time here at Peakhurst. Presentation Day will be combined, K-6, now that restrictions have been lifted and the school disco is not far away either. A very full end to the year!

Grandparents Day

It was a lovely morning last Wednesday with so many grandparents able to join us to celebrate Grandparents Day. Seeing the interaction between the generations making craft and playing jumbo games together was incredibly heart warming.


Many thanks to our stage representatives, sharing their memories and thoughts about grandparents. Mae, Jessica, Jameson and Viktoria... your words were very touching. Kindergarten recited a poem and our choir sang so beautifully. It was followed by a yummy morning tea. The photo montage at the end was a lovely way to recognise and acknowledge the incredibly special role grandparents have in our children's lives. 


Many thanks to the staff who helped the morning run so smoothly, particularly the Equity Team, many class teachers and our wonderful office staff. 


The photo gallery from the morning is available to view on the school website, you can click on the link below. 

If you were unable to make the Grandparents Day celebrations, please find the link to the school website where the video presentation has been posted as a tribute to many of our grandparents.

Future planning

At this time of year, schools are very busy finalising planning details for the upcoming year. In order to assist with the planning process, we need to ensure our student information is accurate. Teaching and non-teaching positions are determined by enrolment numbers each year. In order for us to staff the school appropriately for 2024, we need to know as soon as possible if your child will not be at Peakhurst Public School next year. If you intend on moving and changing schools, please let our school office know. 


Additionally, if you intend on taking extended holidays during the summer holidays and will not be returning on Day 1, Term 1, 2024. You will need to complete an extended leave application by Week 10, Term 4, 2023. 


Mrs Wilson

Relieving Principal