Facilities & Capital Works
Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke
Facilities & Capital Works
Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke
Capital Works:
Thank you to the staff who attended the Yaluk Planning meeting last Friday. It was great getting feedback from staff who are actually working with secondary students. We will have another meeting 10th November at 3.20 pm. Hopefully staff who will be working in those rooms will attend as well as any other interested staff.
The next walk through for staff will be on Friday 24th November at 3.15pm - meet near the entry gate to the staff carpark. This walk through has been delayed as the gym floor is being installed that week and hard to access the reset of the building. All staff are welcome.
Facility News
Playground 1 was given a face lift last weekend. Softfall and sand were added to the playground and the corner near the parent carpark was tidied up.
Housekeeping items for all staff: