Connect: Year 6


Look out in your child’s school bag for your Graduation invitation.  Thursday 14th December is the big night and it all starts at 6.30 pm!


In Literacy over the next couple of weeks, we will be studying poetry.  We will look at some of the different forms of poetry and how they are composed.  Then it will be our turn to have a go at writing their own!


In our bid to improve our students’ comprehension, our quest is to improve their background knowledge.  There are many topics that we presume that people of such a young age know about, but due to a number of factors, their general knowledge as a whole is quite low.  So if you have the chance, talk to them about everything!  If you are going to Phillip Island for example, show them on a map where it is in relation to your place and to the city.  The more they know, the greater chance they will have of making connections and links.



We will be continuing with Statistics and Probability in Maths for the next couple of weeks.  We will be experimenting with different outcomes and determining what outcome we should expect by conducting a number of trials.  This is always a fun and hands- on strand of maths that I’m sure the students will enjoy.  They will pose questions, collect data and predict what should occur.  


We will also be focussing on problem solving.  The students will be given a range of activities that will really challenge their thinking.  



Running hand in hand with our maths unit, in Inquiry we will be looking at the different types of jobs and businesses that are in our community and the bigger businesses in Australia.  We will look at how they operate and look closely at the needs and wants of consumers.  We will be using this information to work on our entrepreneurial skills by creating a business model that we think will succeed by looking for holes in the market.  Again, this is another fun, hands-on and creative unit that I’m sure the students will enjoy.


In Grade 6 our Respectful Relationships program is committed to addressing the critical issue of promoting gender respect. This topic is designed to equip our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to foster a society free from gender discrimination and violence. We will explore the concepts of healthy relationships and the importance of treating everyone with respect and equity. We encourage you to engage in conversations with your children on these topics at home. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Some Very Important Dates to Remember:

  • Monday 11th December- BIG DAY OUT!  Gumbya World Experience!
  • Tuesday 12th December - State Wide Transition 
  • Thursday 14th December- Year 6 Graduation