Connect: Year 3

October 2023

Wednesday 15th- Thursday 16th NovSCAMP - see information!
Friday 24th NovemberSports Day dress up!
Friday 1st DecemberCurriculum Day - No students


Calling all Grade 3 (and Grade 2 students from 2/3C) - NEXT WEEK IS SCAMP and we are so excited! Remember this will be on Wednesday and Thursday. Please refer to any information sent home and if in doubt, please contact us! 

What's happening in our classrooms?


In Reading, we have started to explore hyperbole and how and why authors use this strategy in their narrative writing. See the link further down to help explain whay hyperbole is!

We have started to finalise our writing unit on poetry and we have been really impressed by the students' willingness to open up and try and experiment with new language. We have put all of their published pieces into a book which the kids have carefully designed. Check these out when they come home. Here is a sneak peek of some pieces of writing below! We will start to work on some informative reports in the lead up to the end of the year, after we do a brief assessment of your child's writing. 


Maths: For the past week and a half, we have revisited the topics of 'fractions'.  This time we have focused on fractions on a number line and fractions of a collection. Fractions is an important area for the students to grasp as it relates to many other areas of Math. It links with decimals and percentages, division, shape... and TIME! Speaking of time, we did a brief lesson or two refreshing our memory on how to tell time to the minute. This is something that can be practised at home and when out and about! You can visit websites like which can assist with this! Next week we will be working on 'Mass'.


Inquiry: Last week we looked into the two 'habits of mind' we would be using a lot during this unit. The first was 'persistence' and the second was 'thinking and communicating with clarity and precision'. These two skills extend beyond our unit and they're important to highlight so these skills can be transferred to other aspects of our students' lives. We finished the week by comparing cultures. We looked at different categories and compared European and First People's experiences with ours that we have now. The four categories were food, language, toys and music.



Wellbeing: This past week we looked at tools, strategies and thinking ideas which can assist us to move back into the green zone. We discussed how this is very much personalised to our own likes, dislikes and need. The students made a list and circled which zone it would assist them in.

Look.... a link!!

Here is the link to our song which helps explain... hyperbole!

Tennis clinics...

The students have been able to experience some fun clinics in the past fortnight. We have had tennis clinics as well as a visit from St John's Ambulance who taught us about DRSABCD. We really appreciated their time in helping our students learn some important life skills! See some pictures below of our tennis clinic!



Have a wonderful fortnight everyone!

The Grade Three team ~ Ash, Taryn, Helen, Kate & Stef