Connect: Year 2

Check out what's been happening in 2A, 2B and 2/3C

Throughout this fortnight of learning students have begun exploring fractions of a chocolate block, fractions of a shape and applying their knowledge of doubelling, multiplication, division and measurement through problem solving. They have been reasearching facts in order to strengthen their arguments for their persuasive texts and have been identifying persuasive text features of 'Can I be your dog?' and 'The day the crayons quit'. 

Key dates 


Wednesday the 15th of November

Friday 1st December 

bring a historical item for our generations museum 

Curriculum day 



  • Hats are required for Term 4

The Next Fortnight of Learning


In the upcoming weeks we are continuing to explore Persuasive text features. The Grade twos will be identifying and applying text features such as 'Facts, reasons, rule of 3, exaggeration, emotive language and rhetorical questions' to their writing. Students will be writing and refining their persuasive letters convincing a class mate to adopt an animal from the RSPCA.



Throughout maths we will be delving into more of our problem solving and applying our reasoning skills. We will be exploring Fractions of a quantity and the different ways we can represent these, where we see fractions in real world scenarios.  



Students will use their knowledge of people in the past and present to participate in conversations about generations. They will pose questions to gather information and use specific language to describe the past, present and future. 



We are continuing our work around the topic of learning for 'Resilience Rights & Respectful Relationships' the idea of Gender and Identity where we are continuing to explore the ways in which we are all unique and how we all belong as part of a community. 


Krystal, Hailee and Kate