Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients
Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.
- Collaboration
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Reflection
- Motivation
- Resilience
On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.
We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.
Week 3 | ||
Prep L | Elsie | For being a motivated learner who is always driving her learning during challenging tasks in mathematics! Elsie has been sharing her strategies eagerly with her peers and is always willing to take on feedback to take her learning to the next level! Well done superstar! |
Prep N | Leon | For being a resilient learner who never allows his growth mindset and positive attitude to grow weak. Leon is a shining example of engagement and effort in group reading sessions, he identifies his personal reading goals using visuals and focuses his effort to be successful. Well done, Leon, you are an inspiration in Prep N. |
1/2C | Eva | For being a motivated learner across all subject areas last week. Eva displayed commitment to enhancing her writing skills. She consistently up-levelled her memoir texts by skillfully incorporating adjectives and synonyms. In Mathematics, Eva has shown great determination by completing extra fraction work at home. In Reading, she has focussed on her book club goal and tried hard to determine the author's purpose. What a superstar you are! Well done Eva! |
1/2S | Samuel | For being a motivated learner this week by listening carefully to learning instructions and getting started on independent tasks immediately. He ignored distractions around him in order to focus on his learning. He invested in his learning by asking for teacher feedback on his writing and created an engaging sizzling start for his narrative story! Well done on your improved focus and drive for learning Sam! |
1/2JA | Joshua | For being a reflective learner during Writing sessions last week. Joshua reflected on his work and and took onboard teacher feedback to enhance his memoir text. Well done on being a driver of your learning Josh! |
3/4SL | Rozelle | For being a collaborative learner who always works effectively with her peers by listening to others intently and providing feedback to complete a task successfully. |
3/4O | Leah | For being a motivated learner in maths. Leah was invested in learning how to convert units of measurement. She worked with her peers and asked questions to understand the strategies she needed. Keep investing in your learning Leah! |
3/4S | Lazarus | For being a motivated learner in writing. Lazarus, you worked so hard to get your creative ideas into an organised writing piece, demonstrating your hard work and learning growth! Well Done Lazarus. |
5/6AN | Aryan | For being a reflective learner during our persuasive writing lesson. You have not only reflected upon and improved your writing to a very high standard but you evaluated the writing of your peers, providing constructive feedback with a considered where to next suggestion. Well done. It has been wonderful seeing you really succeed during writing this term! |
5/6K | Maanika | For being a motivated and reflective learner in your persuasive writing this week. You reflected on your finished persuasive text and identified how you could improve your work using both the bump it up wall and teacher feedback. Your final piece of writing included pathos, logos and ethos and was a great example of a persuasive text. You demonstrated for your classmates, what a learner looks like when they are driving their learning. Keep up these wonderful learning dispositions Maanika! |
5/6S | Chelsea | For being a creative learner, who approaches her work with interest and enthusiasm. You are open to exploring new ideas and challenges and you enjoy experimenting with different ways to share your learning. You are dedicated to driving your own learning and producing quality results, which are amazing to see! Well done Chelsea! |
Week 4 | ||
Prep L | Emma | For being a motivated learner in Writing last week. Emma took her writing to the next level by writing what she hears in words to create a sensational description of a Kookaburra. Well done Emma, you should be so proud of your achievements! |
Prep N | Elyana | For collaboration in maths. When working in pairs to set and solve challenging maths problems, Elyana used kind and inclusive words to be fair and supportive, ensuring that each task was solved using different strategies. What a good example you set for us all, well done Elyana. |
1/2C | Amelia | For being a reflective learner during Writing sessions last week. Amelia reflected on her work and improved her ability to engage readers through subtle clues and inference. She also seeked feedback and made the required suggestions to enhance her memoir texts. Well done on being a driver of your learning Amelia! |
1/2S | Hadassah | For being a resilient learner during her first week of school. Even though starting a new school can seem scary, Haddassah has come to our school every day with a beautiful big smile on her face. She made lots of new friends in our classroom by sharing, being positive and helping everyone around her. We are so lucky to have you in our classroom, well done on a great first week! |
1/2JA | Bradley | For being a motivated learner during Guided Reading last week. Bradley was able to retrieve simple information from the given text and cite some facts about thunderstorms and lightning. Congratulations. |
3/4SL | Palash | For being a reflective learner during one of our Reconciliation sessions and thinking deeply about the meaning of the Scripture. |
3/4O | Ben | For being a collaborative learning during Mathematics. Ben eagerly helped his peers measure objects around the classroom using unifix cubes. He ensured that everyone in his group was contributing and checked that their measurements were accurate. Keep it up, Ben! |
3/4S | Reyaan | For being a motivated learner. Reyaan is always eager to learn new things and asks thoughtful questions in class. He is not afraid to challenge himself and take on new tasks. He is also a helpful and supportive classmate, always willing to lend a hand to those in need. |
5/6AN | Mitchell | For being a reflective learner during our history unit. You have been engaged in discussions about migration and you took your learning to the next level by writing a book at home about your parents migration to Australia. Your enthusiasm and giving a little bit more to your learning has been fantastic. Well done Mitchell and keep driving your learning to the next level. |
5/6K | Hailey | For being a collaborative learner who supports others to understand their learning and encourages others to contribute during group work. You are a positive and inclusive member of our 5/6K community who continually displays these fantastic leadership qualities. Keep up the amazing work Hailey! |
5/6S | Trish | For being a collaborative learner, who can listen to others and encourage and support them in their learning. This was evident in the way you helped your classmates when we were completing our 3D nets task. You are patient and respectful, and a great team player. Well done on your fantastic work in this space Trish! |
Nick (PE) | Marley 5/6S & Hailey 5/6K | For being motivated learners, thank you for being supportive and dedicated sports leaders. This was evident during our division basketball finals and throughout the year with both your eagerness to help me with sporting opportunities for the school and also encouraging others in our PE classes. |