Community News

Emmanuel College
It was wonderful to welcome our Year 7 2024 families at the Parent Information Night last Wednesday where we outlined what to expect with starting secondary school as well as important information such as booklist, uniform and transport details. Orientation Morning on Tuesday 28 November is another opportunity for new students to get to know each other, meet staff and find out which house they will be in next year.
Year 7 2025 Letters of Offer and waitlist notifications were emailed to families last Friday and Confirmation of Acceptance documentation is due back by Friday 10 November. For those families that received a waiting list letter, please know that if a place arises during the remainder of this year and into next year, our Registrar will contact you.
Our final experience opportunity of the year is the upcoming Twilight Talk and Tour at each campus as below:
- Notre Dame Campus Wed 8 November at 6pm
- St Paul’s Campus Tue 14 November at 6pm
Registration is available via the Tours and Events tab on the right-hand side of the homepage of the College website,
We look forward to seeing you at the College soon.
Yours sincerely,
Jenny Hendricks
Community Engagement
Liverpool FC International Academy Australia and Emmanuel College partnership
Holy Trinity Parish Bulletin
Quantin Binnah - Before/After School Care
l am Sravya Raavi; I did my International Post Graduate Diploma in Risk Management and did Diploma in Early Childhood Services. I worked for five years as an Assistant Educator in early childhood services and now working at QB and I am looking forward to include and involve many play based learning experiences for children engaging families, parents and community. I am classical dancer and love spending time with my children, reading books, and going on long drives.
For more information and the location of the out of school hours care please visit website -
We hope your children have an enjoyable time with us.
The Admin Team
Quantin Binnah Community Centre
Ph.: 97425040
Fax: 97312699
Positive Partnerships - Free Workshop for Parents
Stage School Australia
Home Run Heroes Junior T-Ball and Softball Carnival