General Information

Presentation Night 2023
Presentation Night will be held on Tuesday 12th December at the Tamworth Regional Entertainment and Conference Centre commencing at 7pm. It is an expectation that ALL students from Kinder to Year 6 attend. Students are to arrive at the TRECC at 6:30pm and meet their teachers. Students are to wear full Summer Uniform, black polished shoes and short navy socks. A reminder that all long hair is to be tied back, no dangly earrings, no polished nails or makeup is to be worn.
All students will be transported by bus to and from the TRECC on Tuesday morning for a rehearsal and will return to school in time for lunch. A permission note will be sent out via Compass for parents to consent.
If your child is unable to attend Presentation Night please email the Principals- Mrs Holland and Mr O'Toole at as to why they will not be in attendance.
Summer Uniform
As the weather is warming up, it is really important for the students to be wearing a hat whenever they are outside. It is also an expectation and shows great respect for our school that the students are wearing the correct full summer uniform. We ask for parent support in reminding your child to wear the correct uniform every day.
Change in Routine
Can you please advise the school office before 2:30pm if there is any change in your child's afternoon routine.
Application for Extended Leave
Family holidays and travel are no longer considered under the Exemption from School procedures. Travel outside of vacation period is now counted as an absence for statistical purposes.
P&F Meeting
Our last P&F Meeting for the year will be held at 5:30pm on Tuesday 23rd November at the Tudor Hotel. All parents and friends are invited to attend and celebrate the wonderful events that this organisation has undertaken this year to support our school community.
School Advisory Council - AGM
Our next School Advisory Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th December at 5:30pm. This is our Annual General Meeting. The School Advisory Council provides the opportunity for members of the school community to be appointed to the council. Please contact the school office for a Nomination for Membership form. Nominations must be received two weeks prior to the AGM.
Book Club
Book Club forms and payment are due Thursday 25th November 2023.
School Student Travel
School Student Broadband Initiative
The School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) is a federal government program that provides free home internet for one year for up to 30,000 unconnected Australian families with school-aged students.
McCarthy Catholic College Orientation Day
Student Absences
Due to Government regulation, notification of your child's absence must be received no later than 7 days after your child's last day of absence. Please lodge all student absences on the Compass Parent Portal or notify the school.
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options. Just one absence per fortnight adds up to 20 missed days per year; this equates to 260 days from Kindergarten to Year 6 or 1.25 school years!
Stage 3 Lake Burrendong Excursion
Our Stage 3 students and staff will be travelling to Lake Burrendong for their excursion on Wednesday 15th November to Friday 17th November 2023.
Parents should have received a Compass Event notification which included excursion details, consent and payment options.
Please contact the office if you have any questions or are experiencing any difficulties.
One Talk at a Time
The National Office for Child Safety has recently launched 'One Talk at a Time' - a national awareness raising and behavioural change campaign on child sexual abuse. The campaign is aimed at adults with children and young people in their lives. Please click the following link to access the 'One Talk at a Time' website
School Fees
School fee statements for Term 4 have been emailed to parents/carers. If you are not receiving these statements please contact our office staff. Thank you for your continued support of St Joseph's.
School Dates 2023
The last day of school for students this year is Friday 15th December.
Please see the Upcoming Events page of the newsletter for important school dates for 2023.
School dates for 2024
Return to school dates for 2024 and other important dates for the coming year have been added to the Upcoming Events page in this newsletter. Please note that students in Years 1 - 6 return for the 2024 school year on Thursday 1st February and Kindergarten commence Tuesday 6th February.