BHS Culture Committee

In 2022 our school completed its 4 year review/strategic plan process.  As a result we developed a 4 year plan with a strong and balanced approach to achieving growth in both Learning & Wellbeing.


This resulted in a 4 year vision for school improvement as represented in the triangle below.


We now have 4 key improvement strategies.


Learning: Instructional Practices, (how we teach and learn) and Assessment Practices.


Wellbeing: Optimising wellbeing through School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports (SWPBS) and Inclusive Practices.


All of these improvement strategies have small teams of staff focused on them: collaborating and leading the school with a focus on research, best practices and improved outcomes for all students.


What we also did, based on feedback data from staff, students and parents was to establish a Culture Committee which focuses on the key areas of our school culture to support the work in our learning and wellbeing goals.  


This team of teachers, educational support staff and a regional Department of Education representative, has been looking at our culture with the aim to first develop a shared understanding of the four culture elements: High Expectations, Collaboration, Shared Values and Trust.


We started with High Expectations as this applies to all of us: staff, students, parents and the wider community. We consulted with staff and students, seeking feedback and an understanding of what high expectations means in our school. 


As a result, we developed a definition of High Expectations:

“Where students, staff, and the whole school strive to achieve their full potential.”


The next step for us is to look at Trust and develop a shared understanding. We will also start looking at what behaviours and actions we would see that reflect this definition.


In 2024 the Culture Committee will also look at our Communication Policy to ensure communication is clear, for all within our community.


This team and the other school improvement teams play an important role in supporting us to achieve our school vision and meet the goals of our strategic plan.