P&C News 

Contact us now! By end of term we hope to have signed our new Tally Prosperity Partners for 2024. If you would like to come on board in order to support our P&C and receive some amazing benefits for your business in return, please contact us asap and we can send you through the information booklet, which contains tiered level sponsorship packages. 

E: tallebudgerapandc@gmail.com

What’s Coming Up….


Thursday 16 November

8:00am - 9:00am

If you have any uniforms to donate, please drop them into the office. This is greatly appreciated. Sign up to volunteer will be available closer to the date. We need helpers at this event, the sign up is now available on Qkr!



Friday 24 November


In the OSHC building. Join us after drop off!


Thank you to our Tally community for their continued support.



Lucy Pritchard

P&C President