Principal's Report 

Zoe Harlow











Staff Appreciation Day 


We marked our annual staff appreciation day on 27 October. Appreciation messages were written by students and displayed for all to see in the area near the tuckshop.  Here are some of the massages for you to see. 



Sensational Sock Day 


Sensational sock day was held last Friday (3/11/23) as a FUNraiser.  There was an air of excitement and joy throughout the school, showing that sometimes it's the small things that make a big difference.  Thank you to all the families who supported their children to participate!  We are considering doing something different next year and will let you know plenty of time in advance. 



School-Led Review 


Last week, we welcomed a Central Office School Reviewer, Lead Principal and a Principal from Metro Region as our validation team to help us to quality assure our school-led review process and provide feedback.  We considered this to be a valuable experience and the validation team will produce a summary report outlining their conclusions.  I look forward to sharing the validation report with you because we received extremely positive feedback.  The validation team commented to us about the very strong sense of community and feeling of belonging they heard about while they were here.  We were thrilled to hear that, as that is something we value very highly.  They also commended Team Tally on the high level of school performance overall and that was a wonderful affirmation. 



Collaborative Planning 


Commencing 20 November, teaching teams will be released for a day each to collaborate to develop the educational programs for Term 1 2024.  Collaborative planning is undertaken each term, ensuring the consistent, high quality educational programs across all year levels.   



Aspiring Student Leaders 


I have been extremely impressed by this year's aspiring student leaders.  This week, 16 shortlisted Year 5 children gave inspiring speeches at a special assembly and were outstanding examples of passionate, well-considered, articulate, capable young people who want to make a positive difference and help.  Congratulations to all students who had the courage and desire to contribute in this way!  Congratulations to our students who nominated for House Leadership positions, they also did an outstanding job!  I am very pleased that on this occasion, the decision isn't mine.  



Zoe Harlow
