PFA News

PFA Secondhand Book & Uniform Sale
This year's sale will be held on Saturday 18 November. All families are welcome to hold their own stall on the day for a fee of $10 to sell Nossal uniform and text books. All money from stall fees goes to NHS.
If you would prefer to donate your students current uniform and books to the school for the PFA to sell, please drop these items at the front office as early as possible so that we can orgaise them to be sold on the day. All proceeds from the sale will go towards school programs and facilities.
Please note: Year 12 Students will require their their full Summer Academic Uniform for Speech Night on Tuesday 28 November.
If you are available to assist with the the running of the morning, please contact Jodie at
Next PFA Meeting
The next meeting of the Nossal PFA will be held on Wednesday 1 November 2023, commencing at 7pm. This will be a Face-to-Face meeting held in the Jean Russell Centre at Nossal High School.
Reminder on PFA registration:
We welcome any new members and appreciate all contributions from our amazing parents and friends. If you would like to Join the PFA and be part of this vibrant school community group, please reach out to Shankar Ramadas Email: / Ph:0423125892) and we will send you the PFA forms. Feel free to reach out for a chat if you want to know more!
Uniform Shop
The PFA second-hand Uniform Shop is open on the first Monday of each month (during school terms), as well as the first day of each term. We will be open on Tuesday 5 December, Year 9 Orientation Day.
The shop is located in the Fitness Centre at the rear of the northern (Jean Russell Centre) carpark.
Donations of uniform are very welcome and can be left at Reception.
The uniform shop is looking for donations of clip hangers (for hanging skirts and shorts). Please get in touch with PFA if you have spare hangers you can donate.
Sarath Purushothaman