Classroom News 

What's Been Happening in Year 3

Excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance


Last Tuesday and Wednesday, the Year 3s went on an excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance. Students had the opportunity to explore and understand the significance of the Shrine. They discovered that it is a place of commemoration, which began with significant events such as World War I and World War II. Since then, the Shrine of Remembrance has been a significant landmark that commemorates all who participated in war, those who never returned home and those who did. 


‘Lest We Forget’ 


A big thank you goes out to all the parent volunteers who accompanied us on this excursion. 




Craigieburn Library Class Visits


Students in  Year 1 will be visiting the Hume Craigieburn Library in Term 4. For your child to be able to borrow a book whilst on the excursion they must be a member of the Hume library. If your child isn't a member already, we encourage you to visit the library and become a member. To sign up, you need to visit the Hume library in person and provide identification with your current address. If your child has a membership card but has not borrowed within the last 12 months, their library card will have expired. Please see the school newsletter for dates your child will be visiting the library. 
























