Learning Space News

Year 3/4
Loving Literacy in 3/4!
Students have been busy working hard to make every minute matter in Literacy.
This term, students have been analysing the craft of Colin Thompson, an Australian author, who has been writing for over 40 years! Students made text-to-self, text-to-world and text-to-text connections and discussed the author’s message and what it means to them.
In Writing, students are working through the Writer’s Cycle that consists of Seed Planting, Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing and Publishing. They have developed narrative, persuasive, informative and explanation texts and published their work using digital technologies.
Yogi has been enjoying literacy in 3/4 too! His favourite part is listening to the students read to him!
What’s happening in 3/4 Maths?
Students are currently exploring fractions through the use of shape models, collections and number lines. They are making connections with how fractions can be used in everyday life such as telling the time, sharing food and cooking. Miss Hawley and Miss Tran’s groups had the chance to make fruit salad and identified what fraction of each fruit made up the whole fruit salad.
Students have been investigating three-dimensional objects and their features. They have used hands-on materials, including 3D models, paddle pop sticks, playdough and foldable nets. These opportunities with manipulatives have allowed students to physically explore vertices, edges and faces. Their knowledge has then been tested by playing various games including ‘Guess the 3D object’ and ‘I have… Who has…?’. The 3/4 teachers can’t wait for what the rest of the year has in store for the students!
World Kindness Day!
To celebrate World Kindness Day on Monday 13th November, students revisited the importance of being kind and the different ways we can show people kindness.
They were encouraged to carry out random acts of kindness throughout their day and it was lovely to see and hear about the different ways students were showing their peers and teachers kindness. They then had the chance to create their own kindness board games, which they could take home to share the fun and kindness with their friends and families!